With IBM closing its acquisition of Red Hat, we discuss the changing mechanics of an enterprise software business. Why do we think the big clouds will have such an indefinite hold on market leadership when every past tech leader has been disrupted and fallen? Speaking of, Broadcom is tryin’ hard to become a portfolio company. Also, security sucks, Coté finds video chats annoying, and he can’t keep all the camera lingo in his head.
Buy Coté’s book dirt cheap (https://leanpub.com/digitalwtf/c/sdt)!
I wish I could turn other people’s videos off.
Makes money, that’s a good strategy.
Security through diversity, is that a thing?
Breaking news, public cloud is a good thing.
I’ve been replaced by software.
What the fuck do I do with a histogram?
Clicking auto fixed the photo fine.
You can’t cut costs by cutting your employees legs off.
It was something about FStop, and then I lost it.
Relevant to your interests
Zoom problems.
Cloudera Sees Inspiration in Red Hat, Goes "All-In" on Open Source (https://www.cbronline.com/news/cloudera-open-source).
Not sure what exactly this covers, vs. Hadoop itself. I guess all the commercialized stuff wrapped around Hadoop?
IBM finalized Red Hat acquisition (https://twitter.com/ibm/status/1148570648547078145?s=21):
Charles Fitzgerald aptly plays the part of Charles Fitzgerald (http://www.platformonomics.com/2019/07/a-very-cold-take-on-ibm-red-hat-and-their-hybrid-cloud-hyperbole/).
Related, upcoming webinar: Red Hat on free software and pay software (https://www.redhat.com/en/events/webinar/how-free-software-can-be-more-expensive-paid-alternatives?sc_cid=701f20000012xA6AAI).
British Airways faces record £183m fine for data breach (https://www.bbc.com/news/business-48905907) - not sure what the HACK actually was.
Symantec shares soar on report that Broadcom is in talks to acquire the security software maker (https://www.cnbc.com/2019/07/02/symantec-shares-soar-on-report-that-broadcom-in-talks-to-acquire-it.html).
For filler topic (https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/The-state-of-the-industry-in-three-charts--Aguop4aIogJc0cbfP~1I0RFtAg-2jRrXAx1iWLPicF1IUZBW).
Is High Quality Software Worth the Cost? (https://martinfowler.com/articles/is-quality-worth-cost.html) - Low quality architecture and code means you can’t change as quickly and as much as you’d like. is “tech debt” a good metaphor, or drying cement?
Gates Says Steve Jobs Cast ‘Spells’ to Keep Apple From Dying (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-07-06/gates-says-steve-jobs-cast-spells-to-keep-apple-from-dying?utm_campaign=news&utm_medium=bd&utm_source=applenews) - “minor wizard.”
AWS makes another acquisition, grabbing TSO Logic (https://techcrunch.com/2019/01/15/aws-makes-another-acquisition-grabbing-tso-logic/) - “The company takes data about workloads and applications and helps customers find the most efficient place to run them by measuring requirements like resource needs against cost to find the right balance at any given time.” CAPACITY MANAGEMENT IS SO HOT RIGHT NOW.
Meet the Great Duke of... DLL: Microsoft shines light on Astaroth, a devilishly sneaky strain of fileless malware (https://www.theregister.co.uk/2019/07/08/microsoft_astaroth_examination/) - I mean, security seems hard to get right 100% of the time? Related: problems in ruby-land (https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2019/07/09/backdoor-discovered-in-ruby-strong_password-library/), and JavaScript (https://thehackernews.com/2019/07/lodash-prototype-pollution.html).
QA Acquires Cloud Academy to Create a World-leading Corporate Skills Platform (https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190710005170/en/QA-Acquires-Cloud-Academy-Create-World-leading-Corporate?utm_campaign=Q2-2020-QA-ANNOUNCEMENT&utm_medium=email&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-8xW6UlDOyoyv-UB318M0vUWJIu1N2a5HfoFD-j95yCnEteQquaorBOVITILuSKijs-tua35Dx5d3TRGRodu16UeFWSEg&_hsmi=74551522&utm_content=74551902&utm_source=hs_email&hsCtaTracking=95ce4df6-4be1-4c6b-86e7-6a60bd0b06d2%7Ceaf936eb-aa4a-4d7c-94e4-2c77bc3bce53).
The 4 Stages of Culture Shock (https://medium.com/global-perspectives/the-4-stages-of-culture-shock-a79957726164) - maturity cycle for living abroad.
@Clipart1994bot (https://twitter.com/@Clipart1994bot).
This episode is sponsored by SolarWinds® and one of their application performance monitoring tools, Papertrail™.
Diagnosing an application error, a sudden spike in event messages, or a customer service ticket? Get to the root cause fast using Papertrail—powerful cloud-based log management designed for engineers, by engineers.
With Papertrail, you can streamline troubleshooting with live tail to see events in real time, or search through hours of logs in a few seconds.
As you work, you can save searches and create alerts without leaving the event viewer. And there’s nothing to install or set up, so you can be up and running in minutes.
And now, the brand-new integration of Papertrail with SolarWinds AppOptics™ brings powerful application performance monitoring and distributed tracing together with log management, enabling you to identify performance and availability issues even faster while significantly reducing MTTR.
To learn more or to try SolarWinds Papertrail for free, go to papertrailapp.com/sdt (http://papertrailapp.com/sdt) and make troubleshooting fun.
Conferences, et. al.
ALERT! DevOpsDays Discount - DevOpsDays MSP (https://www.devopsdays.org/events/2019-minneapolis/welcome/), August 6th to 7th, $50 off with the code SDT2019 (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/devopsdays-minneapolis-2019-tickets-51444848928?discount=SDT2019).
2019, a city near you: The 2019 SpringOne Tours are posted (http://springonetour.io/). Coté will be speaking at many of these, hopefully all the ones in EMEA. They’re free and all about programming and DevOps things. Coming up in: San Francisco (June 4th & 5th), Atlanta (June 13th & 14th)…and back to a lot of US cities.
Cloud Expo Asia (https://www.cloudexpoasia.com/) Singapore, Oct 9th and 10th
DevOpsDays Sydney 2019 (http://devopsdays.org/events/2019-sydney/), October 10th and 11th
Recommended Jobs from Listeners
Check out GO CARDLESS (https://boards.greenhouse.io/gocardless).
Senior Software Engineer, Delivery Platform (https://jobs.netflix.com/jobs/870032) Netflix.
Senior Software Engineer, Resilience Engineering (https://jobs.netflix.com/jobs/867867) Netflix.
Chef - Community Manager (https://jobs.lever.co/chef/4226887a-892c-4dae-845e-8d00bd888026).
Platform Operations Engineer (https://jobs.aspect.com/job/Orlando-Platform-Operations-Engineer-FL-32801/567835100/) Aspect.
Come work at Pivotal (https://pivotal.io/careers).
Matt Ray’s How to Resume’: Slides (https://www.slideshare.net/mattray/how-to-resume-47788991) and Talk (https://vimeo.com/129822168#t=8m40s).
Listener Feedback
Coté is not coordinated enough to include that this episode.
SDT news & hype
Join us in Slack (http://www.softwaredefinedtalk.com/slack).
Send your postal address to [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) and we will send you free laptop stickers!
Follow us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/softwaredeftalk), Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/softwaredefinedtalk/) or LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/software-defined-talk/)
Listen to the Software Defined Interviews Podcast (https://www.softwaredefinedinterviews.com/). Check out the back catalog (http://cote.coffee/howtotech/).
Brandon built the Quick Concall iPhone App (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/quick-concall/id1399948033?mt=8) and he wants you to buy it for $0.99.
Use the code SDT to get $20 off Coté’s book, (https://leanpub.com/digitalwtf/c/sdt) Digital WTF (https://leanpub.com/digitalwtf/c/sdt), so $5 total.
Matt: *[Endeavour](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2701582/);* The Terror (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2708480/) **(again!).
Coté: Old Navy (https://oldnavy.gap.com/) for the kids.
Outro: “softwaredefinedsong,” (https://github.com/charleswhollien/softwaredefinedsong) *[charleswhollien](https://github.com/charleswhollien).*

With IBM closing its acquisition of Red Hat, we discuss the changing mechanics of an enterprise software business. Why do we think the big clouds will have such an indefinite hold on market leadership when every past tech leader has been disrupted and fallen? Speaking of, Broadcom is tryin’ hard to become a portfolio company. Also, security sucks, Coté finds video chats annoying, and he can’t keep all the camera lingo in his head.

Buy Coté’s book dirt cheap!


I wish I could turn other people’s videos off.
Makes money, that’s a good strategy.
Security through diversity, is that a thing?
Breaking news, public cloud is a good thing.
I’ve been replaced by software.
What the fuck do I do with a histogram?
Clicking auto fixed the photo fine.
You can’t cut costs by cutting your employees legs off.
It was something about FStop, and then I lost it.

Relevant to your interests

Zoom problems.
Cloudera Sees Inspiration in Red Hat, Goes "All-In" on Open Source.

Not sure what exactly this covers, vs. Hadoop itself. I guess all the commercialized stuff wrapped around Hadoop?

IBM finalized Red Hat acquisition:

Charles Fitzgerald aptly plays the part of Charles Fitzgerald.
Related, upcoming webinar: Red Hat on free software and pay software.

British Airways faces record £183m fine for data breach - not sure what the HACK actually was.
Symantec shares soar on report that Broadcom is in talks to acquire the security software maker.
For filler topic.
Is High Quality Software Worth the Cost? - Low quality architecture and code means you can’t change as quickly and as much as you’d like. is “tech debt” a good metaphor, or drying cement?
Gates Says Steve Jobs Cast ‘Spells’ to Keep Apple From Dying - “minor wizard.”
AWS makes another acquisition, grabbing TSO Logic - “The company takes data about workloads and applications and helps customers find the most efficient place to run them by measuring requirements like resource needs against cost to find the right balance at any given time.” CAPACITY MANAGEMENT IS SO HOT RIGHT NOW.
Meet the Great Duke of... DLL: Microsoft shines light on Astaroth, a devilishly sneaky strain of fileless malware - I mean, security seems hard to get right 100% of the time? Related: problems in ruby-land, and JavaScript.
QA Acquires Cloud Academy to Create a World-leading Corporate Skills Platform.


The 4 Stages of Culture Shock - maturity cycle for living abroad.


This episode is sponsored by SolarWinds® and one of their application performance monitoring tools, Papertrail™.

Diagnosing an application error, a sudden spike in event messages, or a customer service ticket? Get to the root cause fast using Papertrail—powerful cloud-based log management designed for engineers, by engineers.

With Papertrail, you can streamline troubleshooting with live tail to see events in real time, or search through hours of logs in a few seconds.

As you work, you can save searches and create alerts without leaving the event viewer. And there’s nothing to install or set up, so you can be up and running in minutes.

And now, the brand-new integration of Papertrail with SolarWinds AppOptics™ brings powerful application performance monitoring and distributed tracing together with log management, enabling you to identify performance and availability issues even faster while significantly reducing MTTR.

To learn more or to try SolarWinds Papertrail for free, go to papertrailapp.com/sdt and make troubleshooting fun.

Conferences, et. al.

ALERT! DevOpsDays Discount - DevOpsDays MSP, August 6th to 7th, $50 off with the code SDT2019.
2019, a city near you: The 2019 SpringOne Tours are posted. Coté will be speaking at many of these, hopefully all the ones in EMEA. They’re free and all about programming and DevOps things. Coming up in: San Francisco (June 4th & 5th), Atlanta (June 13th & 14th)…and back to a lot of US cities.
Cloud Expo Asia Singapore, Oct 9th and 10th
DevOpsDays Sydney 2019, October 10th and 11th

Recommended Jobs from Listeners

Check out GO CARDLESS.
Senior Software Engineer, Delivery Platform Netflix.
Senior Software Engineer, Resilience Engineering Netflix.
Chef - Community Manager.
Platform Operations Engineer Aspect.
Come work at Pivotal.
Matt Ray’s How to Resume’: Slides and Talk.

Listener Feedback

Coté is not coordinated enough to include that this episode.

SDT news & hype

Join us in Slack.
Send your postal address to [email protected] and we will send you free laptop stickers!
Follow us on Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn
Listen to the Software Defined Interviews Podcast. Check out the back catalog.
Brandon built the Quick Concall iPhone App and he wants you to buy it for $0.99.
Use the code SDT to get $20 off Coté’s book, Digital WTF, so $5 total.


Matt: *[*Endeavour](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2701582/)*;* The Terror **(again!).
Coté: Old Navy for the kids.

Outro: “softwaredefinedsong,” *[*charleswhollien](https://github.com/charleswhollien)*.*

Sponsored By:

SolarWinds: Try SolarWinds Papertrail free for 14 days and make troubleshooting fun again.

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