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HPE KubeDirector with Kartik Mathur

February 17, 2021 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

In the past several years, Kubernetes has become the de-facto standard for orchestrating containerized, stateless applications. Tools such as StatefulSets and Persistent Volumes have helped developers build stateful applications on Kubernetes, but this can quickly become difficult to manage as an application scales. Tasks such as machine learning, distributed AI, and big data analytics often

Synthetic Data with Ian Coe, Andrew Colombi, and Adam Kamor

February 16, 2021 20:19 - 1000 Bytes

Over the past few years, the conventional wisdom around the value proposition of Big Data has begun to shift. While the prevailing attitude towards Big Data may once have been “bigger is better,” many organizations today recognize that broad-scale data collection comes with its own set of risks. Data privacy is becoming a hotly debated

Serverless Properties with Johann Schleier-Smith

February 11, 2021 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Serverless computing refers to an architectural pattern where server-side code is run on-demand by cloud providers, who also handle server resource allocation and operations. Of course, there is a server involved on the provider’s side, but administrative functions to manage that server such as capacity planning, configuration, or management of containers are handled behind-the-scenes, allowing

Reach: DApp Programming Gateway with Chris Swenor and Jay McCarthy

February 10, 2021 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Blockchain technology has a wide variety of potential applications. Fields such as finance, supply chain management, and even voting have seen innovations driven by the development of distributed applications built on blockchains, called DApps. However, developing a DApp on a blockchain often requires low-level knowledge about cryptographic protocols or particular networks. Since no one blockchain

OctoML: Automated Deep Learning Engineering with Jason Knight and Luis Ceze

February 09, 2021 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

The incredible advances in machine learning research in recent years often take time to propagate out into usage in the field. One reason for this is that such “state-of-the-art” results for machine learning performance rely on the use of handwritten, idiosyncratic optimizations for specific hardware models or operating contexts. When developers are building ML-powered systems Intelligent Analyses with Ahmed Elsamadisi

February 08, 2021 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

A data-driven organization collects a wide variety of data to help in strategic decision-making. The cost of storing large amounts and variety of data has dropped dramatically in the last two decades, but too much unstructured data may not improve decision-making, and can even lead to “analysis paralysis.” Organizations react by extracting the most important,

Open Source Industrialization with Kevin Xu

February 05, 2021 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Open source software is software distributed along with its source code, using a permissive license that allows anyone to view, use, or modify it. The term “open source” also refers more broadly to a philosophy of technology development which prioritizes transparency and community development of a project. Typically, development is managed by a governing body,

Daily: Streaming Video API with Kwindla Hultman Kramer and Wesley Faulkner

February 03, 2021 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Video calling over the internet has experienced explosive growth in the last decade. In 2010, surveys estimated that around 1 in 5 Americans had tried online video calling for any reason. By May of 2020, that number had nearly tripled. A significant factor in the growth of video calling has been an open-source project called

Cilium: Programmable Linux Networking with Dan Wendlant and Thomas Graf

February 02, 2021 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Cilium is open-source software built to provide improved networking and security controls for Linux systems operating in containerized environments along with technologies like Kubernetes. In a containerized environment, traditional Layer 3 and Layer 4 networking and security controls based on IP addresses and ports, like firewalls, can be difficult to operate at scale because of

New Relic One with Lew Cirne

February 01, 2021 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

In a distributed application, observability is key to handling incidents and building better, more stable software. Legacy monitoring methods were built to respond to predictable failure modes, and to aggregate high-level data like access speed, connectivity, and downtime. Observability, on the other hand, is a measure of how well you can infer the internal state

iRobot with Chris Svec

January 29, 2021 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Embedded Software Engineering is the practice of building software that controls embedded systems- that is, machines or devices other than standard computers. Embedded systems appear in a variety of applications, from small microcontrollers, to consumer electronics, to large-scale machines such as cars, airplanes, and machine tools.  iRobot is a consumer robotics company that applies embedded

Sym: Security Workflows with Yasyf Mohamedali

January 28, 2021 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Security is more important than ever, especially in regulated fields such as healthcare and financial services. Developers working in highly regulated industries often spend considerable time building tooling to help improve compliance and pass security audits. While the core of many security workflows is similar, each industry and each organization may have its own idiosyncratic

OpsLevel: Service Ownership Platform with John Laban and Kenneth Rose

January 27, 2021 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Microservices are built to scale. But as a microservices-based system grows, so does the operational overhead to manage it. Even the most senior engineers can’t be familiar with every detail of dozens- perhaps hundreds- of services. While smaller teams may track information about their microservices via spreadsheets, wikis, or other more traditional documentation, these methods

Reinforcement Learning and Robotics with Nathan Lambert

January 27, 2021 04:10 - 1000 Bytes

Reinforcement learning is a paradigm in machine learning that uses incentives- or “reinforcement”- to drive learning. The learner is conceptualized as an intelligent agent working within a system of rewards and penalties in order to solve a novel problem. The agent is designed to maximize rewards while pursuing a solution by trial-and-error.  Programming a system

Pre Seed Investing with Gaurav Afore

January 25, 2021 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

For startups that are still seeking product/market fit, pre-seed investments are critical to funding initial investments in the product and in the infrastructure needed to scale. Afore Capital is a pre-seed fund that invests in innovative companies across a wide variety of verticals. Afore focuses on startups with unique product insights and novel distribution approaches.

Redpanda: Kafka Alternative with Alexander Gallego

January 22, 2021 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Kafka has achieved widespread popularity as a popular distributed queue and event streaming platform, with enterprise adoption and a billion dollar company (Confluent) built around it. But could there be value in building a new platform from scratch? Redpanda is a streaming platform built to be compatible with Kafka, that does not require the JVM

Machine Learning Carbon Capture with Diego Saez-Gil

January 21, 2021 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Companies can have a negative impact on the environment by outputting excess carbon. Many companies want to reduce their net carbon impact to zero, which can be done by investing in forests. Pachama is a marketplace for forest investments. Pachama uses satellites, imaging, machine learning, and other techniques to determine how much carbon is being

Rust and Go Research with Linhai Song

January 20, 2021 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Rust and Golang are two of the newest lower level languages for doing systems programming. They are often used for applications such as file systems, operating systems, and latency-sensitive applications. How do they compare in terms of safety, speed, and programming ergonomics? Linhai Song is an assistant professor and researcher at Penn State University, and

Dgraph: Native GraphQL Database with Manish Jain

January 19, 2021 19:47 - 1000 Bytes

GraphQL has changed the common design patterns for the interface between backend and frontend. This is usually achieved by the presence of a GraphQL server, which interprets and federates a query from the frontend to the backend server infrastructure. Dgraph is a distributed graph database with native GraphQL support. Manish Jain is a founder of

Smart Agriculture with David Potere

January 15, 2021 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Agriculture infrastructure allows plants such as corn, soy, and wheat to move from large scale farms to consumers all around the world. The relevant players in the agricultural infrastructure includes growers, shippers, and planners. These individuals need new technology to interact more efficiently.  Growers need to be able to connect more smoothly with buyers. Farmers

Network Discovery with HD Moore

January 14, 2021 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Network discovery allows enterprises to identify what devices are on their network. These devices can include smartphones, servers, desktop computers, and tablets. Being able to index the devices on a network is crucial to figuring out the security profile of that network. HD Moore is a founder of Rumble Networks, a company focused on network

Big Tech with Alex Kantrowitz

January 13, 2021 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Large technology companies are a new type of industry. Their power and reach is resistant to a comparison of previous generations, such as big oil. Alex Kantrowitz is a journalist who has covered big technology for much of his career, and he currently runs Big Technology, a newsletter and podcast about the biggest technology companies

Kubecost with Webb Brown

January 12, 2021 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Cost management is growing in importance for companies that want to manage their significant cloud bill. Kubernetes plays an increasing role in modern infrastructure, so managing cost of Kubernetes clusters becomes important as well. Kubecost is a company focused on giving visibility into Kubernetes resources and reducing spend. Webb Brown is a founder of Kubecost

TensorFlow Lite with Pete Warden

January 11, 2021 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

TensorFlow Lite is an open source deep learning framework for on-device inference. TensorFlow Lite was designed to improve the viability of machine learning applications on phones, sensors, and other IoT devices. Pete Warden works on TensorFlow Lite at Google and joins the show to talk about the world of machine learning applications and the necessary

Data Observability with Barr Moses and Lior Gavish

January 08, 2021 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Data lakes and data warehouses store high volumes of multidimensional data. Data sources for these pieces of infrastructure can become unreliable for a variety of reasons. When data sources break, it can cause downstream problems. One company working to solve the problem of data reliability is Monte Carlo Data. Barr Moses and Lior Gavish are

Vendia: Serverless and Blockchains with Tim Wagner and David Wells

January 07, 2021 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

When Tim Wagner worked at Amazon, he invented AWS Lambda. After working on the early serverless infrastructure, he joined Coinbase and worked as VP of Engineering. Since leaving Coinbase, he has started a new company called Vendia. Vendia combines his learnings from the serverless space with the innovations around blockchains to work on the problem

Serverless Revolution with Tyler McMullen

January 06, 2021 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Serverless has grown in popularity over the last five years, and the space of applications that can be built entirely with serverless has increased dramatically. This is due to two factors: the growing array of serverless tools (such as edge-located key value stores) and the rising number of companies with serverless offerings. One of those

WebAssembly on IoT with Jonathan Beri (Repeat)

January 05, 2021 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Originally published July 30, 2019 “Internet of Things” is a term used to describe the increasing connectivity and intelligence of physical objects within our lives.  IoT has manifested within enterprises under the term “Industrial IoT,” as wireless connectivity and machine learning have started to improve devices such as centrifuges, conveyor belts, and factory robotics. In

Facebook GraphQL with Lee Byron (Repeat)

January 04, 2021 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Originally published July 19, 2019 In 2011, Facebook had begun to focus its efforts on mobile development. Mobile phones did not have access to reliable, high bandwidth connections, and the Facebook engineering team needed to find a solution to improve the request latency between mobile clients and the backend Facebook infrastructure. One source of latency

Cloud-Native Applications with Cornelia Davis (Repeat)

December 30, 2020 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Originally published September 13, 2019 Amazon Web Services first came out in 2006. It took several years before the software industry realized that cloud computing was a transformative piece of technology. Initially, the common perspective around cloud computing was that it was a useful tool for startups, but would not be a smart option for

Kubernetes vs. Serverless with Matt Ward (Repeat)

December 29, 2020 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Originally published May 29, 2020 Kubernetes has become a highly usable platform for deploying and managing distributed systems.  The user experience for Kubernetes is great, but is still not as simple as a full-on serverless implementation–at least, that has been a long-held assumption. Why would you manage your own infrastructure, even if it is Kubernetes?

Drishti: Deep Learning for Manufacturing with Krish Chaudhury (Repeat)

December 28, 2020 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Originally published April 17, 2019 Drishti is a company focused on improving manufacturing workflows using computer vision. A manufacturing environment consists of assembly lines. A line is composed of sequential stations along that manufacturing line. At each station on the assembly line, a worker performs an operation on the item that is being manufactured. This

Simulation (Album)

December 24, 2020 16:00 - 1000 Bytes

Happy holidays. I want to thank everyone who continues to support the show through your listenership. Since we are on holiday from regularly scheduled content, I am taking this opportunity to share with you something I have been working on personally for the last two years: a musical album. Some of you don’t know I

Complacency with Tyler Cowen (Repeat)

December 24, 2020 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Originally published April 7, 2017 Engineers in Silicon Valley see a world of constant progress. Our work is creative and intellectually challenging. We are building the future and getting compensated quite well for it. But what if we are actually achieving far less than what is possible? What if, after so many years of high

React Best Practices with Kent Dodds (Repeat)

December 23, 2020 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Originally published March 6, 2020 ReactJS developers have lots of options for building their applications, and those options are not easy to work through. State management, concurrency, networking, and testing all have elements of complexity and a wide range of available tools. Take a look at any specific area of JavaScript application development, and you

Niantic Real World with Paul Franceus (Repeat)

December 22, 2020 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Originally published June 21, 2019 Niantic is the company behind Pokemon Go, an augmented reality game where users walk around in the real world and catch Pokemon which appear on their screen. The idea for augmented reality has existed for a long time. But the technology to bring augmented reality to the mass market has

React Native Interfaces with Leland Richardson (Repeat)

December 21, 2020 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Originally published July 7, 2017 Airbnb is a company that is driven by design. New user interfaces are dreamed up by designers and implemented for web, iOS, and Android. This implementation process takes a lot of resources, but it used to take even more before the company started using React Native. React Native allows Airbnb

LinkedIn Kafka with Nacho Solis (Repeat)

December 18, 2020 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Originally published October 18, 2019 Apache Kafka was created at LinkedIn. Kafka was open sourced in 2011, when the company was eight years old. By that time, LinkedIn had developed a social network with millions of users. LinkedIn’s engineering team was building a range of externally facing products and internal tools, and many of these

Practical AI with Chris Benson (Repeat)

December 17, 2020 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Originally published December 9, 2019 Machine learning algorithms have existed for decades. But in the last ten years, several advancements in software and hardware have caused dramatic growth in the viability of applications based on machine learning. Smartphones generate large quantities of data about how humans move through the world. Software-as-a-service companies generate data about

Kafka Applications with Tim Berglund (Repeat)

December 16, 2020 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Originally published September 17, 2019 Ever since Apache Kafka was open sourced from LinkedIn, it has been used to solve a wide variety of problems in distributed systems and data engineering. Kafka is a distributed messaging queue that is used by developers to publish messages and subscribe to topics with a certain message type. Kafka

Kubeflow: TensorFlow on Kubernetes with David Aronchick (Repeat)

December 15, 2020 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Originally published January 25, 2019 When TensorFlow came out of Google, the machine learning community converged around it. TensorFlow is a framework for building machine learning models, but the lifecycle of a machine learning model has a scope that is bigger than just creating a model. Machine learning developers also need to have a testing

Modern Front End: React, GraphQL, VR, WebAssembly with Adam Conrad (Repeat)

December 14, 2020 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Originally published December 20, 2018 Ten years ago, there was a distinction between “backend” and “frontend” developers. A backend developer would be managing the business logic and database transactions using Ruby on Rails or Java. A frontend developer would be responsible for implementing designs and arranging buttons using raw HTML and JavaScript. Today, developers can

Facebook React with Dan Abramov (Repeat)

December 11, 2020 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Originally published May 16, 2019 React is a set of open source tools for building user interfaces. React was open sourced by Facebook, and includes libraries for creating interfaces on the web (ReactJS) and on mobile devices (React Native). React was released during a time when there was not a dominant frontend JavaScript library. Backbone,

Facebook Engineering Process with Kent Beck (Repeat)

December 11, 2020 03:00 - 1000 Bytes

Originally published August 28, 2019 Kent Beck is a legendary figure in the world of software engineering.  Kent was an early advocate of Test-Driven Development (TDD), and popularized the idea of writing unit tests before writing code that would satisfy those unit tests. A unit test isolates and tests a small piece of functionality within

Hedge Fund Artificial Intelligence with Xander Dunn (Repeat)

December 09, 2020 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Originally published April 3, 2017 A hedge fund is a collection of investors that make bets on the future. The “hedge” refers to the fact that the investors often try to diversify their strategies so that the direction of their bets are less correlated, and they can be successful in a variety of future scenarios.

WebAssembly with Brendan Eich Holiday Repeat

December 08, 2020 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Originally published March 31, 2017 Brendan Eich created the first version of JavaScript in 10 days. Since then JavaScript has evolved, and Brendan has watched the growth of the web give rise to new and unexpected use cases. Today Brendan Eich is still pushing the web forward across the technology stack with his involvement in

Monolith Migration with Jan Schiffman and Sherman Wood Holiday Repeat

December 08, 2020 05:27 - 1000 Bytes

Originally published September 4, 2018 TIBCO was started in the 90’s with a popular message bus product that was widely used by finance companies, logistics providers, and other systems with high throughput. As TIBCO grew in popularity, the company expanded into other areas through products it developed in-house as well as through acquisitions. One acquisition

Osquery with Ganesh Pai

December 04, 2020 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Osquery is a tool for providing visibility into operating system endpoints. It is a flexible tool developed originally at Facebook. Ganesh Pai is the founder of Uptycs, a company that uses Osquery to find threats and malicious activity occurring across nodes. Ganesh joins the show to talk about Osquery usage and his work on Uptycs.

Hex: Data Project Sharing with Caitlin Colgrove and Barry McCardel

December 03, 2020 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Data science is a collaborative field. Collaboration requires sharing the artifacts that data scientists are working on, such as Jupyter Notebooks and SQL tables. Hex is a platform for improving sharing across data science workflows. Caitlin Colgrove and Barry McCardel are founders of Hex and they join the show to discuss what they have built.

BGP with Andree Toonk

December 02, 2020 10:00 - 1000 Bytes

Border Gateway Protocol is a protocol designed for routing and reachability between autonomous systems on the internet. BGPmon is a tool for assessing the routing health of your network, which allows for a network administrator to understand network stability and risk of data. Andree Toonk is the founder of BGPmon and joins the show to

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