The title for this podcast really just speaks for itself. We live in a world full of false promises, gimmicks, miracle cures and more potions and gadgets then we can even keep track of. Patients that come in are already truly skeptical and I don't blame them at all. Conviction and truly believing in the product or service you provide is the key component in helping lower down people's guard. Now it comes back to us as the practitioners, do you believe in your own product and ACTUALLY use it yourself, if not, then why would you even bother?

Please consider joining our ’Soft Tissue Revolution’ community on Facebook, where it’s a lot easier to engage as a group. It's an awesome group (if I do say so myself haha) on Facebook covering topics in Injury Diagnosis, Treatment, Patient Communication, Practice Marketing, Increasing Sales, Scaling Business and a few other topics of interest in the Soft Tissue Injury Space.

As always if you want to be part of the soft tissue practice revolution here's what you need to do:

1. Visit our facebook page and request to join our group.

2. Answer all the questions, there are only 3 and if you don't answer you won't be approved.

3. Get approved and become one of us!⁣