In this episode of the Socialkenny PUA Podcast Show [# 12], I reveal the real reasons as to why women cheat and what makes them cheat.

The most classic reason as to why a girl cheats is that she isn't being satisfied at home or somehow being ignored by her spouse who seems to be preoccupied in work or some other engagement.

Well this is actually bullshit!

That is the standard-cliche reason which the so-called relationship experts have circulated for decades.

Women, who themselves actually cannot tell you why they cheat, would feed you the classic line also:

"Well a woman cheats because she isn't getting any good sex at home and her husband/boyfriend never has time for her and he doesn't give her what she needs and wants physically and emotionally. He isn't there for her".

Sounds good- but it's bullshit!

A girl cheating on her boyfriend because she isn't getting good sex at home probably accounts for less than 7% of infidelity cases [from my studies].

In spite of a girl not getting good sex at home, she's more often than not, willing to suck it up, accept it, and remain faithful nevertheless...although she's not getting good sex.

Now, it begs the question, "Then Kenny, why do women cheat if it's not for the reasons which everyone thinks"?

I don't wanna actually give it away when you can check out the show to get your mind blown, but I can actually say that 1 of the primary reasons for infidelity on a girl's part simply comes down to direct and in-direct peer pressure from her social circle of girlfriends.

If this sounds vague to you, I actually break it down in more articulate details on the show.