Choosing Instagram hashtags can seem daunting - there are so many Instagram hashtags out there, how on earth are you mean to pick the right hashtags? There’s a nice little Instagram hashtag research process that I like to go through each time I do hashtag research, and today, I’m sharing this process with you. Warning: It can be a little addictive, so don’t do this on a day when you have a lot on your to-do list! Download my free cheat sheet - 7 Savvy Strategies to Ignite Your Instagram. You don’t want to miss: The Instagram hashtag research process I use for our clients that gets you the most relevant hashtags for your business, without any fancy, expensive apps or tools. Which Instagram hashtags to avoid (and which ones to pick!) How to categorise your Instagram hashtags into hashtag sets, so that you’re maximising your audience reach. My quick tip for how to dive deeper and find new Instagram hashtags, even when you think you’ve already exhausted all the hashtags out there. Follow my travels on Instagram at and @wearewildbloom Interested in working with us? Visit to download our Services Guide.