Back when the iPhone 3G first came out, people had two options: They could buy the black iPhone or the white iPhone. You may think people made their decision based on their color preference, but as you’ll soon find out, it’s not that simple. When people buy products, the reason why they buy is mysterious […]

Back when the iPhone 3G first came out, people had two options: They could buy the black iPhone or the white iPhone.

You may think people made their decision based on their color preference, but as you’ll soon find out, it’s not that simple.

When people buy products, the reason why they buy is mysterious at best, and at worst, you’re left wondering “what the heck?”

However, today, you’re going to learn how people make choices, and more importantly, how you can influence those choices—Social Triggers style.

As smart entrepreneurs and business owners, I shouldn’t need to sell you on why this is important, so keep reading.

The Art of Choosing

To understand what makes people buy one product over another, I invited Sheena Iyengar to join me on the latest episode of Social Triggers Insider.

Download audio file (05-Social_Triggers-Why-People-Bought-The-White-iPhone-Even-When-They-Wanted-The-Black-One.mp3)

Who is Sheena Iyengar? The short of it is this: Sheena is a professor at Columbia Business school, and the author of the book “The Art of Choosing (aff).”

In addition to receiving high praise from Malcolm Gladwell—”No one asks better questions, or comes up with more intriguing answers”—Sheena has given three TED talks and is recognized as a world-renowned expert on choice.

Did you know Social Triggers Insider is now on iTunes? If you enjoy this series, please take a few seconds and leave an honest review. It would be a huge help.

In other words, you would be silly to miss out on this episode of Social Triggers Insider. Her insights have personally helped me accomplish a TON online.

(For example, you may remember my article about “How to Increase Sales by 600%.” Well, that was based off of her research).

What else will you learn during this Social Triggers Insider master class?

Here’s a list:

Why people bought the white iPhone—even when they wanted the black one
How the “Magazine Rack Effect” helps you organize your products and services
Why you need to give people a choice—even if you plan to make it for them
How price positions you as the “go to” product choice in an ultra-competitive market place
And much, much more.

Right click this link to save the audio as a MP3 file to your computer

Right click this link to save the transcript as a PDF file to your computer.

Also, during the episode, we talked about this research. So, if you’d like to dig into the academic stuff, there’s your link :-).

Here’s What You Need To Do Next…

Now that you listened to this episode of Social Triggers Insider, here’s what you need to do next:

Education is meaningless without action. So, tell me what you learned from this episode, and how you plan to apply it to your business in the comment section.
If you enjoyed this episode, do me a favor and share it on Twitter or Facebook. Or better yet, send a personal email to one of your friends whom you’d think would love this.
This part is important. I’m currently at 51 reviews on iTunes, and I need to get to 70 reviews. If you have a few seconds, can you please go to iTunes and leave me an honest review (after subscribing).

And now that’s out of the way…

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