This guy spits in the face of “old school sales tactics,” and I’m happy that he did it. Here’s the deal: We live in a world where we’re all in sales. You. Me. Everyone. Whether we’re trying to convince our bosses to give us a raise, persuade our children to do their homework, enticing investors […]

This guy spits in the face of “old school sales tactics,” and I’m happy that he did it.

Here’s the deal:

We live in a world where we’re all in sales. You. Me. Everyone.

Whether we’re trying to convince our bosses to give us a raise, persuade our children to do their homework, enticing investors to part with their money, or turning a prospect into a client, we’re all in the selling business now.

The problem is there are some sleazebag salesman that give honest people like you and me a bad rep.

What’s weird is, I thought these hucksters were just bad people, but I’ve come to discover otherwise. It turns out that some old school sales trainers actually teach their students to lie to get the sale…

Head meet desk.

Introducing Dan Pink’s “To Sell is Human”

That’s where “this guy” comes in though…

Meet my man Dan Pink. He’s the New York Times best-selling author of books like Whole New Mind and Drive, and he’s got one of the most viewed TED talks on the internet. (He made science go viral)

Well, he’s got a new book that just came out that slams these old school sales tactics, and he shows us THE NEW WAY to sell without being sleazy, slimy, or salesy…

…And I persuaded him to reveal some of his TOP TIPS for selling in 2013 and beyond on my podcast Social Triggers Insider.

Download audio file (12-Social-Triggers-The-Right-and-Wrong-Way-To-Sell-In-2013-with-Dan-Pink.mp3)

Note: The bonuses are no longer available, but we still recommend you pick up the book. As I mention on the podcast, you’ll learn the ins and outs of selling and more.

Quick Question For You…

Have you ever had a HORRIBLE—or FANTASTIC—experience with a salesperson?

Share your story in the comments.

What made it great? What made it bad? Be as specific as possible, but please refrain from mentioning specific company names.

Also, if you liked what Dan Pink had to say, I suggest you grab his new book “To Sell is Human” on Amazon right here (it’s 45% off) (aff)

What do we cover in this master class?

The 3 myths of becoming great at sales (hint: there’s no “selling gene”)

The definitive answer to “Is selling ethical?”

How to Close More Deals Without Compromising Your Values
The secret behind selling confidently (Warning: if you don’t, you’re toast)

The NEW “ABCs” of Selling (and How to Take Advantage Of Them)

The Contrast Principle (It’s The Secret Weapon Of Great Persuaders)

The Big Problem With Being An “Empathetic Salesman” (and What To Do Instead).

And More.

Did you know Social Triggers Insider is now on iTunes? If you enjoy this series, please take a few seconds and leave an honest review. It would be a huge help.

Right click this link to save the audio as a MP3 file to your computer

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