The MLS is one of the most under-utilized resources in real estate, and agents can make more money by leveraging it. What is some of the data we can gain from the MLS and how can we use it to improve our marketing efforts? What can we learn about our real estate markets through the MLS? Why is it so important to become as educated as possible when it comes to your business?

On this episode, digital marketing strategist and real estate technology expert, Carrie Little talks about how she uses data to help agents sell more real estate.

You will not go from making no money to making money in real estate unless you start to understand the business. -Carrie Little

3 Takeaways

Everyone you know needs to go into your CRM because it allows you to start generating leads. Absorption rate: three months or less means houses are moving faster and it’s a seller’s market. Four to six months is a stable market, but over six months is a buyers market. When it comes to rate of sale, you want to look at communities where you will have the least barriers to entry.

We also discussed;

How to leverage date on absorption rate, rate of sales and off-market rates How to use the right hashtags in your marketing The importance of consistency


Whether you’re tech savvy or not, the key to success in real estate is all about how well you know the numbers in your business, and the numbers in your market. To know your business, you need to have a CRM, and to know more about your market, the MLS is key. You have to learn how to use and manipulate your MLS, understand what's happening in the marketplace, and become a consistent learner of that information. This information will help you craft the right marketing strategies, sales approaches and who to even target in your business. Without this important data, you’ll be flying blind in business which will make it harder to grow your business and achieve your goals.