With so many real estate professionals vying for customers, it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle. Unless, that is, you have a distinct design identity across your public facing branding assets. 


Unfortunately, too many agents’ are branded too similarly and as a result, they constantly get overlooked. 


How do we make sure our brands actually stand out? What steps can we take to create a design identity that runs across our entire online presence? 


In this episode, web designer, brand strategist, architectural designer, online entrepreneur, and founder of Studio Classica, Elizabeth Averyanova shares how she helps business owners brand themselves better. 

Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 


- How to set your branding strategy up for success 

What do we need to do before we start working with a graphic designer?


- Why your brand looks like everyone else’s and how to fix it 

How do we establish our own unique and authentic brands in markets and locales with thousands of agents competing for business? 


- The power of intentional branding 

Can branding make a new agent look seasoned, tenured and knowledgeable?


Guest Bio- 


Elizabeth Averyanova is a web designer, brand strategist, architectural designer, online entrepreneur, and the founder of Studio Classica. Studio Classica is a brand and web design studio that specializes in strategic, all-in-one Kajabi websites, high-converting sales pages, and online course creation, memberships, and coaching program launches.


Elizabeth helps purpose-driven female entrepreneurs, coaches, and industry leaders scale their businesses with impactful, beautiful branding and design to attract dream clients, elevate their online presence, and book out their offers while creating a lasting impact in the world.

For more information, visit https://www.studioclassica.com and follow @elizabethaveryanova on Instagram.