Many real estate professionals are feeling the tremors of change in the workplace due to the rise of AI. It's a pressing concern for many, as the efficiency and capabilities of AI systems continue to evolve rapidly.


While the general idea behind AI is to enhance human capabilities and streamline processes, there's a lingering fear that our jobs may be at risk of it.


Are jobs being affected by the efficiencies brought about by AI? What does this mean, particularly in the entrepreneurial space, where adaptability is key?


In this episode, AI consultant, real estate influencer and AI expert, Carrie Soave joins me to talk about how brokerages and entrepreneurs alike should harness AI for improved productivity, why workplaces should invest in AI focused training and what exactly is AI’s role in the workplace.

Nobody wants to be replacing people with AI right now. They want to empower them with AI so that they can work more efficiently and accomplish much more. -Carrie Soave


Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 


-Increased productivity with AI

AI promises to make a lot of our daily tasks easier. Does increased productivity equate to more leads?


-Think like a global real estate professional

What are 3 things we need to keep in mind as real estate professionals with all the current changes that are occurring?


-AI prompt engineering

Using AI doesn’t mean simply inputting words to get an answer. There should always be thought behind it. How do we use this to generate prompts to help us scale?


Guest Bio

Carrie Soave has been a REALTOR® for over 13 Yrs and trades in residential and commercial. And her entire business is AI-Powered.


She is the AI expert for the Real Estate Industry and provides AI Consulting services to several mega teams and brokerages , helping them implement AI into their entire business.


She has been officially ranked in the Top 10 REALTORS® on social media in Hamilton and all of Ontario for the last 8 years and shares her successful social media & AI blueprint with REALTORS® through her coaching program “The AI-Powered Real Estate Influencer.”


She is also the host of the original podcast "Everything They Never Told You About Real Estate-Industry Secrets Exposed."


Follow Instagram (@carriesoaveandassociates) and comment "GPT" on any post to receive Carrie's custom stack.


Find Carrie on LinkedIn @Carrie Soave

Visit for more.


Host Bio

​​Licensed Managing Broker, REALTORS®, avid volunteer, and Major Donor, Marki Lemons-Ryhal is dedicated to all things real estate. With over 25 years of marketing experience, Marki has taught over 250,000 REALTORS® how to earn up to a 2682% return on their marketing dollars.


Six-time REALTOR® Conference and Expo featured attendee, one of 100 speakers selected to speak the REALTOR® Conference & Expo five times, and an Inman closing Keynote Speaker. Marki’s expertise has been featured in Forbes, Washington Post, , and REALTOR® Magazine.