Michael Port, the Co-Founder and CEO of Heroic Public Speaking, joins the Social Pros Podcast to discuss the power of storytelling and how to eliminate the fear of creating video for social. 

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How to Overcome Fear of Creating Video in Social Media 

Telling stories through video is all about capturing your audience’s attention and holding it long enough to cultivate an interest in your message. If you haven’t leveraged video thus far and have still managed to achieve some level of success on social, it’s probably because you’re telling good stories. The question is, how can you take your stories and transfer them to video? 

When thinking about creating a video for social, Michael Port, the CEO of Heroic Public Speaking, suggests that you start with Aristotle’s concept of the three-act structure. Every story has a beginning, middle, and end. It’s up to you to decide how you’re going to present the setup, confrontation, and resolution of your story in the most effective way possible on social. 

Social media that spreads only spreads because the stories are well told. When you understand how a story is organized, sculpted and told, you can use that knowledge to get people to not only see the world differently but think, feel and act differently.  

In This Episode: 

05:14 – How to transfer your stories to the screen using the three-act structure   09:37 – Why you need to understand how to create and release tension on social  10:59 – How to drip feed your story to create intrigue and build an audience   18:23 – Why you should make strong choices with your video content  22:46 – How to get better on camera and create engaging videos   27:37 – How to effectively package and present pitch ideas to potential clients  38:31 – Michael’s top tips for creating a video in social media 


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Learn more about Heroic Public Speaking here. 
Listen to Michael’s, ‘Steal the Show’ Podcast here. 
Read Michael’s new book, “Steal the Show” here. 

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