It's not news that social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are moving to a pay to play model. The glory days of being able to gain massive organic reach with a simple, on the fly Facebook post are over and done. Results in the social world of today require more planning, integration, and money.

The social media ecosystem over all is moving to pay to play. What this means is that brands and the marketing leaders within must not only purchase media that in the past use to be free, but that they must also know how to develop and execute an integrated program and strategy that organically attracts, inspires and engages community.

Marketing leaders today must understand and embrace the know, like, trust and pay model for growing their business. At the heart of business today is people. At the heart of social media is people. Marketing leaders and brands that embrace and master the art of human connection will leap frog years ahead of their competition that only focuses on clicks, follows and likes.

You can’t buy advocates, friends, fans, evangelists, or word of mouth. A person that likes your Facebook page or follows you on Twitter is not immediately going to trust you, love you or want to tell their friends about you.

Paid media will help you attack the right audience, get more likes, followers, views and clicks. However, it's up to you to invest in relationships that will help you earn trust, advocates and loyal customers.

Earning brand advocates and making friends via the social networks is based on trust. It requires investment in the human beings within your community.

Unfortunately, less than 3% of the people that like your Facebook page will ever visit the actual page again.

Bottom line, the best relationships take time.

Take a listen to the 206th episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast to learn 8 strategies and tips to build loyal tribes of advocates and social media friends.