Pop a bottle! On this week's Pubcast, Jon sits down for a drink with speaker, author, consultant and comedian, Brian Carter, to go over his strategies for promoting posts and the metrics that matter. Check out some of the topics they'll cover in this week's episode:

How Brian transitioned into a comedy career after being frustrated working in e-commerce  Choosing your career path and deciding what works for you as a business owner The science behind promoting posts successfully on Facebook 6 ways to make contagious content and the 4 ways you can mistakenly prevent shares Metrics that matter when consulting for a business Why you should never have more than 10 ads in a campaign The decision making process of when to promote a post after it has been created Debunking "the death of Edgerank" and also discussing Last Actor and Story Bump
  Find Brian:   Website:  http://www.briancarteryeah.com/blog/
           http://www.socialmediakeynotespeaker.com   Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brian.carter.man

Related Links:

Brian's Comedy Set at SMMW The Like Economy 2nd Ed on Amazon Contagious Content eBook Facebook News Feed: Story Bumping, Last Actor, Chronological Brian's Guest Post: Promote Facebook Posts Not Photo Views     P.S. ONE BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!

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