Is Facebook Organic Reach under reported?

My reported bug: Clarification from Facebook about Total/Organic/Paid Reach on help center: About my controlled test


Why Your Bad Facebook Marketing Strategies are Ruining Ad Targeting

* Twitter Ads

* Facebook Interest Targeting

* Buying likes, trading likes/reciprocation, Fan Page Friday, Favors

* Waters down interest targeting

* If your page has a bunch of irrelevant likes and I target your audience, it impacts my results

* Bad for users —- irrelevant ads


No More Sponsored Stories: 6 Big Changes Coming to Facebook Ads

* Warned since June of 2013

* All ads will have social context going forward

* Ad Image Cropping

* Targeting redefined to fall into following cats: Locations, Demographics, Interests, Behaviors

* Unified Interests


* Geographic Targeting (inclusion/exclusion)


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