Here's an overview of this episode...   My Journey I don’t have any regrets I could have done things differently, but I didn’t — part of the journey Looking back, I wish I was more willing to invest early Looking back, I’m glad that I read A LOT to research what I needed to do, but you can put too much stock in the opinions of others. TRUST YOUR GUT! Looking back, I wish I would have started an email list immediately, found my right niche immediately and did a lot of these things. I didn’t, and that’s okay!   1) Determine an Initial Niche (this can change!) Focus on a group that spends money Focus on an area of expertise Focus on an area where you could write a TON of content   2) Invest in a Home Base Website Logo Photos Hosting DON’T SKIMP   3) Create a TON of written content Write a list of questions you get from customers or potential customers Take your own tour of the inner workings of your product, service, or topic that appeals to your audience — Create a list of every feature and the questions that likely come up These questions are your blog posts Determine a frequency that you can maintain and commit to Share across Facebook, Twitter, etc.   4) Create How-To Videos 1-3 minutes Extension of the written content. HELP people interested in your related industry. Upload to YouTube. Upload to Facebook.   5) Create a Lead Magnet and Build an Email List Pick an email list software (MailChimp, AWeber, Infusionsoft, etc.) Create a guide, ebook, checklist, webinar or something of value that you can offer in exchange for it Use OptinMonster, Pippity, etc. to push the opt-in to visitors   6) Facebook ads Invest whatever makes sense in the early going. Prepare to grow. At least $1/day, but more if possible. Create a Facebook page Target website visitors and email subscribers (low amount early) to like your page, drive traffic and opt-in Create lookalike audiences to do the same Target interests and split test vs. lookalikes Over time, your website visitors, email list and fans will grow. You will then move more of your budget to those groups.   CLOSING


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