This week we've all had our minds in the USA, and Sobretudo went there to try to understand a bit more of what is and has been going on about race and police brutality against the black community.

I spoke to Dalyn Pacheco-Smith, an activist from Oakland, California, who's been supporting and working with young people for a long time. He shared some of his experiences and understanding of the current situation, why things are the way they are and where we could potentially evolve to. We also talked about specific examples and how gratuitous law enforcement can be against inocent black people, and how important it is to clearly state that #blacklivesmatter.

I want to thank Dalyn for taking the time to educate us and help shed some light onto the situation, and I'd also invite you to take some time to read and listen to black voices, who have not been silent for a while, thought not always heard.

Here are some resources and useful ways to support the fight globally and in the US:

Report and read about police brutality against black people:

About White privilege:

Police Force dismantled in Minneapolis:

Op-ed on anti-blackness, The New York Times:

Black Visions Collective:

Black-led LGBTQ+ organisations:

Recursos sobre Racismo em Portugal (excelente trabalho da Comunidade Cultura e Arte):

How to support: 

Watch this video (or let it running), as all advertising revenue will go to  associations that offer protester bail funds, help pay for family funerals, and advocacy listed in the beginning of the video:
The video description also includes many petitions you can sign to fight rcism and police brutality throughout the world.

List of bail funds t support protestors:


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Muito obrigado ao João Henriques e ao Diogo Constantino pelo apoio como mecenas do Sobretudo.
Visita o Clube Amigos do Sobretudo para te tornares também mecenas e ajudar o Sobretudo a crescer.

O Sobretudo é um projecto de Márcio Barcelos e o genérico é dos Cayena.

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