SCN Change Agent Interview Series - Meet Myron Radio.

Myron J. Radio is a five-time author and President of The R Group, a consortium of seasoned professionals who specialize in Leadership and Organizational – Change, Transitions and Transformations.

Myron is recognized as an energetic speaker, facilitator, team builder and executive coach with over 5,000 coaching sessions to his credit. His clients represent a broad range of global Fortune 500 companies across multiple industries as well privately held companies and startups. Prior to founding The R Group, Myron was an executive with Mobil Corporation, now ExxonMobil.

His latest eBook is LEADERSHIP FIT – Finding the Right Leadership Fit for you. He has also published several articles on organizational “effectiveness” to engage and align the workforce to achieve the strategic imperatives. His first inspirational novel, DREAM MAKERS – Escape from the Shadows of Fear, includes lessons of Leadership, developing High Performing Teams and developing the Next Generation of Leaders.

The SC Nebula is a global online (and offline - Washington, DC area) hub where conscious leaders from corporate, spiritual, nonprofit and civic groups can connect, collaborate and create more social impact together.

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Nominate a Change Agent for our Interview Series.

In an effort to promote global champions of change, we have set an extraordinary goal of interviewing 1000 people this year who are change agents in their communities.
Tune in as our interview guests share how they are contributing their gifts, skills, experiences, resources and wisdom to create a better world. Learn about the different causes and initiatives they care about. If theses causes resonate with you, reach out to our interviewees and offer up your superpowers.

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