SCN Change Agent Interview Series - Meet Claudia Körbler

Claudia Körbler is a Policy Development and Outreach Specialist at the United Nations in Washington, D.C. Claudia’s passion of eradication of hunger, elimination of poverty and creating social impact speaks through her engagements. Before joining the FAO, she worked at the World Bank Group as a Knowledge Management professional with an emphasis on South-South Capacity Building programs in the Latin-American and Africa regions. Her driving force is enunciating change and creating an impact through supporting developing nations. She is a Senior Advisor of the steering committee of the Youth2Youth Community (Y2Y) of the World Bank Group and the co-chair of the Youth Innovation Fund. The Y2Y community enables her innovative talent, efficiency and passion for creating an impact on youth to increase employability, community engagement, and life skills in developing nations. Additionally, as an Adult Third Culture Kid and cross-cultural mediator and trainer, she serves as the membership chair of an NGO called Families in Global Transition (FIGT) to promote and engage in the storytelling of the global nomad. As an Austrian-born global citizen and has lived and worked in the U.S., Spain, UK, and Italy and speaks five languages including German, English, and Spanish. Claudia has refined her skills in cross-cultural communication and continues to enjoy the beauty, challenges, and difficulties of living and working in different cultures. Her professional career in the US is based in the diplomatic service. She has served her native Embassy of the Republic of Austria and the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Washington, D.C. in different capacities. At the Embassy of the Republic of Austria, Claudia acted in an advisory role for the Cabinet of the Austrian Minister of Finance on trans-cultural communication and investment opportunities for Small and Medium Enterprises in the United States and globally.

The SC Nebula is a global online (and offline - Washington, DC area) hub where conscious leaders from corporate, spiritual, nonprofit and civic groups can connect, collaborate and create more social impact together.

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In an effort to promote global champions of change, we have set an extraordinary goal of interviewing 1000 people this year who are change agents in their communities.
Tune in as our interview guests share how they are contributing their gifts, skills, experiences, resources and wisdom to create a better world. Learn about the different causes and initiatives they care about. If theses causes resonate with you, reach out to our interviewees and offer up your superpowers.

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