Well then, die-hards, we're nearly all done. Here comes Episode 9 and Episode 10 is the Last One.

The nice people at FeedBurner have shown that Episodes 7 and 8 were the least popular of all time which I for one am quite excited about. If anyone was put-off by the fact that Episode 8 got released ahead of Episode 7 (briefly) then I sincerely apologize. However, I'm always one to look for silver-linings and what I've come up with is the following:
Clearly the whole thing's not as incoherent as we though - for a while I thought that if we jumbled it up and just played them in any old order no-one would be any the wiser. If that's not the case then - YAY! (Go us!).

Perhaps we've demonstrated that we have actually made the whole story in advance and we're not just winging it producing episode-by-episode week-by-week.

We've demonstrated that the belief that 8 is a lucky number is just so much superstition (I've really just added this one because two bullet-points seems a bit weak).Anyway - without further going-on-and-on-about-last-week's-scre-up-in-the-inane-belief-it-might-stir-up-a-smidgeon-of-sympathy - we now offer you ...

TE V : Just in Time to Die! Episode 9 - Cookie is the Greatest!

(in which - you'll be distressed to hear - I sing. Don't say I didn't warn you.)