UPDATE TO THE UPDATE (Yes, I know...):
So - it looks like iTunes only likes to have one Podcast-per-Blog Entry so I've added another Blog Entry to hold Episode 8. I'll leave it here, too, just in case any poor soul actually reads this stuff.

(I think I'll go off some place and sob for a bit. Don't mind me)


(like so important it merits this butt-ugly yellow-and-red-and-bold-and-funny-font-I-stole-from-some-dude-who-actually-knows-how-to-do-this-stuff Important):

OK - Now I feel like a complete tosser. I've only gone and released episode 8 ahead of episode 7. So, as a new added bonus - please find here Episodes seven AND eight. Don't say I don't ever make a total balls-up of something and then a horrifically half-assed attempt to sort it out afterwards, for you. That's all I can say.

TE the Bubble V - Just in Time to DIE! : Episode 7 - Frankly's Pad

TE the Bubble V - Just in Time to DIE! : Eipisode 8 - Many Hands Make Short Work(What a klutz, eh?)

(I hope this works with Feedburner and iTunes and all that complicated stuff)

(I blame the mf-ing fish, quite frankly)

Well - it's Monday again and that's the day of the week when I get particularly enthused about my work and really knuckling under and getting stuff doneTM. Yup i it's good ol' productive, useful Monday. I'm really going to be good, hard-working and conscientious . I'm going to get my timesheets in early and produce some top-quality work and earn my bonus. Heck, I might even make something and supply it to some customers - they'll be so surprised they'll drop their "Going-out-of-business-coz-our-vendor-is-a-lazy-self-serving-*($)#$@!" signs.

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I wonder if they'd like it if I made it in blue. I should probably look into that on the internet.

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I wonder if anyone's posted amusing video of their cat on YouTube?

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I can't believe it's 11:23 already. It's been two weeks since I posted Ep6 - A Lab Trevolt and apparently it's been downloaded 277 times. So - it must be time for me to offer the next beautiful offering from TE the Bubble V : Just in Time To Die *

Click here ... no here! ... ha-ha ... how about here?

Oh very well - that's a bit lame - even I have to admit it.

Click here (well over there--> really) so you can pretend to enjoy TE the Bubble V - Just in time to DIE! : Episode 7 - Many Hands Make Short Work

(What the hey? It could be better than working ** ... why not take a chance on your employer's dime?)

NOW WITH NEW, ADDED FISH!!! (Just like Monty Python only not funny)

* For the curious there are 10 episodes altogether so fret-ye-not, masochists, the end is in sight :) And after that there will be months before TE XXX : Love and Really Big Guns is ready. So yes, respite is near.

** Unless you're like, I don't know, an Astronaut or a lego-brick designer or a paleontologist of some cool thing like that. Anyone like that out there? If so, how can I get a start?