Previous Episode: A Multitude Of Suck
Next Episode: Moving On With

The story behind me and my guest this week is a weird one. Brandon and I were once regular contributors on another podcast. Shit went sour, as you'll hear in this episode because we talk about it way too much, but he and I haven't spoken out loud to each other over a year. This episode is barely edited. Only the super long, pace killing pauses were edited out. Other than that, this is a play by play of two old friends who haven't been in the same room for over 365 days, rebuilding a bridge, and trying to find their groove because when the dust settles and the sour taste leaves your mouth, why would you not try to reconnect and figure out where you fit in each others' lives? This hour and some odd minute episode is us finding our footing and getting to know each other again. It was a lot of fun.

All I can say about Brandon Karlis is that he's a very intelligent guy with an overflowing knowledge of movies and the film industry. He knows a lot about other shit too, but the conversation always seems to veer toward visual media. If you want to hear an awkward conversation between two bros who are remembering the past and trying to forge a future (that's a super intimate thing to say, but shut up), this guy sure as shit delivers. Please welcome the newest member of SCTG...Brandon Karlis.

There is a LOT of language, and even the episode title is a little off color, but I don't care. This was an episode waiting to happen.