This is a fictional story about an aging iconic porn star who breaks his penis and must navigate life in the real world. 

He was a sensation at a very young age because of his gigantic testicles. Those balls were so big they revitalized a struggling porn industry which was under threat from amateur with cheap video cameras.

This is his story.

It's the story of an over the hill porn star known the world over for his balls.

A well-meaning but misguided man who claims credibly to have had sex with as many as four thousand women, mostly on camera. Yet you couldn't find a more lonely human being.

He's been making pornographic videos his whole adult life. It's pretty much all he knows and along the way he became a cultural icon, traveling the world and making money, money that he spent as fast as he made.

Sadly, Jerry will break his penis and have to face the life of a regular schmuck.

This is a beta test of James's proposed now storytelling podcast.

Please let me how I might make this format work. Thanks.

[email protected]

@sneezeshow on Twitter