Previous Episode: Fear
Next Episode: Christian Crazy

Bon Jovi once iconically sang, "You Give Love a Bad Name." It was an 80's anthem and an ode to big hair and arena rock. Today that song summarizes up the modern posture of the Evangelical church. Love no longer has a good name within Christianity.

With the elections of 2016, the Evangelical Church in America showed us its true colors. 80% of white Evangelical voters signed up, part and parcel, for a narcissist, womanizing, bag of tanned flesh that became their new messiah. We're now in 2019 and they're certainly not turned off by Trump's first term. His bigotry, misogyny, xenophobia and inflammatory rhetoric only make them hornier. To conservative Christendom, Jesus is no longer their boyfriend.

They believe that they are engaged in an existential struggle against a wicked enemy American liberals and the left. They believe that power and politics are part of their mission. They believe many things but none of them are the way of Jesus.

The church has forgotten how to love, how to serve and how to sacrifice. They may say the right words, sing the right songs and quote the right scripture, but much of Christianity has forgotten how to love. When you forget how to love, you lose Jesus. When Christianity has lost Jesus, it's lost everything.

Come along for the ride as we skewer through life, culture, and spirituality in the face of a changing world.