Previous Episode: Gratitude
Next Episode: Take a Breath

On a regular day, toxic masculinity is bad and unwelcome, but the shadow of the Coronavirus, it's downright criminal. Things like this only get worse when you sprinkle in conservative Christianity. From pastors peddling fake virus cures to megachurches staying open during a time of quarantine, it's all just a holy pissing contest.

On its' best day, the church has a terrible track record cultivating and preaching patriarchal systems of submission. Christianity is adept at perpetuating archaic gender roles and ties them to faith in God. The patriarchy reigned in the time of Jesus and there are still remnants alive and well today. The streak of toxic masculinity has gone on for far too long and needs to end.

You'll hear topics like, 'biblical manhood' and 'biblical womanhood' that strips us of our God-given uniqueness. It separates and divides us and toxifies marriages and positions of leadership in churches. It also gives us a distorted view of God.

Toxic masculinity is a cultural artifact from an age past and it needs to die. If we're all created in the image of God, we need to be able to celebrate and encourage our God-given uniqueness to change the world around us for the better.

Come along for the ride as we skewer through life, culture, and spirituality in the face of a changing world.