Black History month series- On this episode Checka Cee chats with Lori Hall, Co-Founder and head of Creative at Pop'n Creative. Lori brings a plethora of knowledge in the marketing world, with a background at TV stations Turner broadcasting, UP tv and TV One.  Lori talks about her passion for bringing inclusion to the forefront at work places all over the nation. She explains the difference between having Black Americans work at corporate companies and what it means for the culture. There's been too many companies in the last 5 years to make terrible decisions when it comes to marketing their products to appeal to the African American demo! 

Lori is here to help organizations struggling with the divide and hope to shed light on executive counterparts to bridge that gap. She talked about her experiences in the business  with adversity in the workplace and the failed judgement calls she's experienced through previous employers . Lori hopes to shape a new meaning of inclusion in the multicultural agency space  and help those in that arena.  Lori's got her hands full with her upcoming wedding to plan, however she's free'd up time to jump back into her podcast called 38 and dating. Check her out @lorijay or @popncreative

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