Michelle Arrow is a Professor of Modern History at Macquarie University. She explains why the National Archive is heading towards a “digital cliff” if we can’t properly fund and support the digitisation of the literal trove of treasures inside the building. You can read more of Michelle’s work here or follow her on Twitter.

Also we chat about media vs social media coverage of Palestine and the links between journalism, colonialism and the cult of objectivity.

In this ep we mentioned this Conversation article by Macquarie Uni researcher Annabelle Lukin and various reporting on the statistics of who is being killed.

For more actual Palestinian voices in the Australian media this week, check out:

Jennine Khalik for Pedestrian on why “it’s complicated” is a cop-out

Amal Naser for Junkee about watching Sheikh Jarrah unfold as a Palestinian refugee in Australia

Samiha Olwan in the Guardian on leaving family behind in Gaza

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