Imagine attracting leads and clients without any sales pitch - well it’s doable when you are podcast guesting. I have Spencer Carpenter on the show who has booked over 150 entrepreneurs on over 1000 shows and helped them grow their business through guesting. He shares his no nonsense approach to getting on shows, why it’s all predicated on value, what surprising results you can get from guesting and how to use it as your number one marketing strategy. 

Here’s a taste of our conversation…

How to craft compelling podcast pitches to get booked on more shows

Why podcast guesting is the best ‘No Pitch’ sales approach

Why setting realistic goals will help you maximize your results from guesting

How to leverage your appearances for content creation, speaking opportunities and expand your reach. 

Common mistakes podcast guest make that lower their chances of getting booked on more shows

How to prepare for podcast guesting and identify suitable shows for guest appearances.

How to differentiate yourself, stand out and showcase your value to listeners


Head to to read the show notes

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