You are hosting a podcast to build your authority platform and want to put a bigger flag in the ground as an industry leader (and get more leads!) so maybe it’s time to host your own virtual summit. If it’s been on your mind (I know it has for me), then you’ll want to listen to Marketing Coach Jay Williams who has nailed summits. 

Virtual summits have become a powerful tool for building authority, expanding your network, and generating leads. Jay shares key steps to creating a well-structured and engaging virtual summit that will help you achieve your goals. 

How hosting virtual summits helped multiply Jay’s e-list and business

The strategies he used to host summits that generated thousands of leads and profits

What you need to start your own summit (and how to decide if you are ready)

Lessons that Jay learned (that you’ll want to avoid) so it’s not a flop 

How to find speakers for your summit, align topics and create a stellar experience for the attendees


00:03  How virtual summits helped a marketing coach recover from a setback

04:18  Two C’s that lead to stellar results for your virtual summit 

08:24  How summits help build relationships for your business

13:15  How to leverage virtual summits to build your email list 

27:00  If you should have your summit free or paid, and if you should charge speakers

33:08  How to create an engaging and profitable event 


Head to to read the blog

>>>Start creating consistent authority-boosting content with less overwhelm using this 4 step system.  Get the Podcast Leverage System Training at