In this episode, we discuss our Colorado 2020 General Election Survey that we released this week. Where does President Trump stand going into 2020? Governor Polis’ Approval and potential recall? Was there overreach during the 2019 legislative question?

Colorado 2020 General Election Survey Methodology 500n – 250 online and 250 phone interviews Why online? Does it make a difference? Survey Demographics How we came to our final turnout forecast? Unaffiliated voters at 36% 18-34 at 27% How Republicans will be lower at the expense of unaffiliated voters. The Findings Voter Intensity Democratic voters have a slight edge in voter intensity heading into the 2020 elections, though Republicans and unaffiliated voters show a high level of interest as well. Biggest story here is unaffiliated voters and comparing them to past survey research. 9 & 10 Dem – 77% Rep – 73% Unaf – 68% Compared to October 8th – 10th, 2018 Magellan General Election Poll Dem – 75% Rep – 67% Unaf – 52% Compared to October 29th – 30th, 2018 Magellan General Election Poll Dem – 80% Rep – 84% Unaf – 72% Voter Mood Right Direction – 44% Wrong Track – 41% Unsure 15% Compared to our NPV Survey in March 2019 Right Direction – 52% (8-point difference) Wrong Track – 41% Unsure 7% Congress Control Democrat Control – 47% Republican Control – 37% Undecided – 16% President Trump Approval and 2020 Election Trump Approval Approve – 39% (24% Strongly Approve) Disapprove – 57% (49% Strongly Disapprove) 2020 Presidential Election Total Dem – 44% (33% Definitely Dem Candidate) Total Trump – 32% (25% Definitely Trump) Other Candidate – 15% Undecided – 9% Governor Polis Approval and Recall Polis Approval Approve – 49% (21% Strongly Approve) Disapprove – 37% (27% Strongly Disapprove) Governor Recall Election Total No, Keep in Office – 47% (34% Definitely Keep in Office) Total Yes, Recall – 38% (27% Definitely Recall) Undecided – 15% Legislature Overreach How we asked the question? Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Governor Polis and the Democratic state legislature overreached during this past legislative session and passed bills that went too far and were out of touch with everyday Coloradans. Total Agree – 45% (28% Strongly Agree) Total Disagree – 40% (19% Strongly Disagree) Further Conclusions and Surprises, Looking Forward Anything surprise you about the results? Any further conclusions or anything to look forward to from these results Next podcast: Next week’s Democrat Debates