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Are the long hours spent cooking in the kitchen making you dread your Whole Food Plant-Based lifestyle? Perhaps you want to know how to save even more time in the kitchen? Then this is the can't-miss episode for you! 

You might have heard that this is just how it is...that cooking healthy will consume your life. But the truth is, spending excessive time in the kitchen is draining and robs you of being able to enjoy your life fully.

If you're feeling frustrated and overwhelmed by the time-consuming nature of plant-based cooking, it's time to break free from this cycle. Join us for this episode and learn how to reclaim your time and joy in the kitchen. 

You'll gain the practical steps for busting the myth that getting healthy requires long hours in the kitchen!

Hear touching real-life accounts from our community, where members like you found the way to gain the health benefits of a plant-based diet without letting healthy meal prep consume their time and their lives.

We're revealing the unexpected facts about saving time on a whole food plant-based diet. It's time to escape the stinkin' thinkin' that's keeping you stuck in your health struggles and find out how to make quick, joyful meals that free up your time!

Learn the secrets to gaining freedom and efficiency in your meal planning and meal prep, freeing up more time for personal growth and truly living life. Wan to know how to personalize the plant-based diet to align with your unique preferences and lifestyle for sustainable and enjoyable eating habits? We're discussing that, too!

Let's uncover the keys to efficient meal preparation, saving time, and finding freedom in the power of quick, delicious plant-based meals, together!

We're sharing the tips and strategies for creating delicious, quick meals that align with real life and busy schedules.

Dive into the world where chronic diseases naturally meet their match through the power of sustainable plant-based eating. 

In this episode you will hear success stories that defy the misconception that WFPB diets are time consuming! This is the treasure trove of practical advice, guiding you to meal prep mastery that fits seamlessly into your hectic life. 

Looking for your allies in whipping up tasty, nutritious meals in a flash? You've found them! We're here to help you make long-lasting memories outside the kitchen as well as in it.

Action is the cornerstone of transformation, and we're sharing with simple action steps to help you embrace the plant-based lifestyle the happy way!

Gain encouragement inthe  easy ways to experiment with plant based recipes, share your culinary adventures, and discover the profound health benefits of the whole food plant based diet. 

Thankfully, this episode isn't just about listening; it's about engaging, learning actionable steps, and thriving within a community of like-minded followers of Christ who are rooting for your success every step of the way.

For your chance to win one of two digital copies of our brand new cookbook set to release on August 1st, leave us a written review on Apple Podcast, snap a screen shot of your review, and email it to us at : [email protected]

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Join us to gain the plant-based encouragement, real health-changing ideas, and sustainable plant-based inspiration you've been hoping for! 💕