John Osberg sits down with Del Reid of Bills Mafia and 26 shirts, Dan Gigante, also of 26 shirts and 19 ideas and Matt Carlucci, who heads up the Buffalo Beat Team Buffalo Soup Fest and also works for ESC. 

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Our goal with this podcast to deliver high-quality, actionable tips and advice from business leaders. Advice that will help you succeed. Oh yeah and that video bent - we are going beyond the typical business tips, we are going to explore the use of video with these business leaders too, from marketing to sales, to internal communications - how they use it and how it impacts their businesses. Thanks for tuning in. 



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Nickel City Graphics LLC is now vidwheel LLC. 

We wanted a new name, a new identity, a clear identity, and a new, clear voice, to go with a new focus and position. vidwheel LLC is an end-to-end video agency, which means we work closely with our clients to plan, execute, AND effectively implement high-quality video to help improve multiple aspects of their businesses. 


Are you looking to generate more leads? Or maybe better leads?

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vidwheel LLC is an agile video agency that fully partners with our clients to plan, execute, and effectively implement high-quality video to help elevate multiple aspects of their businesses.

Some companies help with strategy and planning. Some companies produce video. Some companies help distribute video for outreach purposes. We do all three, we do it well, and we do it at a price point that makes sense.


Neil Carroll [00:00:06] We're back in the home studio again to introduce the next episode of the Smarter Business podcast. This episode, again, has John Osberg as the interviewer and this time, he comes in with a gaggle of community organizers. We have Del Reid of Bills Mafia and 26 shirts. Dan Gigante, also of 26 shirts and 19 ideas and Matt Carlucci, who heads up the Buffalo Beat Team Buffalo Soup Fest and also works for ESC. The conversation in this episode ranges from founders stories, to how to utilize influencers, social impact,  and the power of connection. If you like what you hear, please share this podcast and subscribe. Feel free to comment or reach out to us as well. We would love to know what you think. 

John Osberg [00:00:56] Alright well thank you, gentlemen, for being a part of the Smarter Business podcast. Really, it's an honor to have all three of you here and that we were able to coordinate our busy schedules, so welcome. Why don't we just start with intros, obviously I'm John Osberg and why dont we start here. 

Del Reid [00:01:11] I'm Del Reid, co-founder of Bill's Mafia, co-founder of 26 Shirts. 

Dan Gigante [00:01:18] Dan Gigante, partner at 19 ideas and thanks for saying co-founder at 26 Shirts. 

Matt Carlucci [00:01:26] My name is Matt Carlucci. General man about town and founder of the Buffalo Soup Fest, among other things.