Online tech for business owners can be a very difficult and time-consuming piece of the puzzle. Helping business owners select the right technology and platform for a profitable online presence is very critical. Ed Troxell focuses on making tech easy for business owners through a number of ways including a members-only community. 01. Building Online…

Online tech for business owners can be a very difficult and time-consuming piece of the puzzle. Helping business owners select the right technology and platform for a profitable online presence is very critical. Ed Troxell focuses on making tech easy for business owners through a number of ways including a members-only community.

01. Building Online Presence

People generally assume building an online presence is easy as compared to offline presence because, hey it only requires a phone or laptop with internet and there is everything on Youtube and no expert guidance is needed. How do you burst that bubble?
For a new business owner, getting online presence right can be overwhelming, to say the least. Since new business owners have limited capital, they end up using lower end and less experienced consultants which result in a shaky online start. What do you advice new business owners for building an online presence without breaking the bank?
Do you also get questions related to the offline activities of a business? If yes, what are the most common questions?

02. Components of Online Presence

Besides building a website, what are other important components of building a robust online presence?
What about social media presence, should a business build profile on every platform like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram or your advice is choosing only specific ones depending on the type of business?
Audio Podcasts and live videos streaming are becoming popular these days. Do businesses show interest in these modern ways of reaching their prospective customers?

03. The Built process

What should be the starting point, a website or social media profiles?
How do you help in figuring out design, development, getting images and even creating images for social profiles for the business clients?

04. Website for the Business

Which technology platform do you prefer for building websites?
Does the technology platform choice change depending on the client’s budget, like a different platform for clients on strict budget and different for clients with a liberal budget?

05. Website for Selling products

Other than normal brochure websites, a lot of business have online shops to sell their products. Which tech platform do you recommend here?
Regular maintenance is critical for such websites, do you perform such maintenance or have trusted contractors or refer to agencies?

06. Common Challenges

What are the most common challenges for entrepreneurs trying to build and grow their online presence?
Someone with the stuck or stagnant online presence, how do you go about analyzing such businesses and suggest corrective actions?

07. Membership Community

Now you have Hey Ed membership community addressing business concerns with regard to online tech and technology. What type of businesses or entrepreneurs are part of this membership?
How do you decide on the next how-to topic or resource for entrepreneurs in this membership community?
Which technology platform do you use for your membership offering of “Hey Ed”?

Ed Troxell’s ToolBox

Facebook for online presence and networking.
Use Dubsado for all business management needs.
For project management and tracking use Trello.
Use Acuity Scheduling for scheduling chat sessions.
Google Suite for business email and other Google tools.
Love to use Siteground for all web hosting requirements.
Use Divi page builder for all web development needs.
Use industry standard Mailchimp for email marketing.

About Ed Troxell

I’ve always been an entrepreneur ever since I was young and selling cans of soda to the neighborhood kids.

I grew up with my dad running his own businesses (he had a machine shop and then was a handyman). In high school, I was in a business and Econ core and my senior project was actually on journalism.

This is what lead me to my first business, starting and running my own magazine. While in college I studied communications and graduated with a BA. Now I run Hey Ed membership community to help business owners with online tech and how-tos.

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