Email marketing is an important way for direct leads building and conversions. How you can extend this into a full Sales funnel sequence for more customized experience for each lead and better conversion? Mike Killen explains the basics of going from simple email marketing to the complex world of Sales Funnel. 01. Current Email Marketing…

Email marketing is an important way for direct leads building and conversions. How you can extend this into a full Sales funnel sequence for more customized experience for each lead and better conversion? Mike Killen explains the basics of going from simple email marketing to the complex world of Sales Funnel.

01. Current Email Marketing setupNow a lot of people have a simple email marketing setup, which includes adding an email sign up box which is connected to an email marketing service like MailChimp, drip, convertkit. So, you build an email list and then start sending email newsletters to promote your stuff. How would explain the term “sales funnel” to a person already familiar with these email marketing basics?Among people who come to you for sales funnel knowledge, do the majority of them already know about email marketing or is it like starting from the scratch?02. Simple Sales Funnel setupWhich are key steps in a sales funnel sequence from start to finish that form important milestones in the whole process?In this process, at which step majority people fail at successful funnel execution and of course possible sales conversion?03. Pages in a Sales FunnelLanding page, checkout and thank you page, are these pages enough for a simple sales funnel sequence?How important is the text copy on a landing page? Are there any general dos and don’t in this regard?What about the use of images and videos on a landing page, do they help in better performance and conversions?04. What to offerPeople sign up and give their email address in anticipation of some offer or thing. Most people are lost on what should that thing aka lead magnet be. How do you advise people on their lead magnet offering?How to make an offer more attractive, is there any methodology or tips to add shine to your offer to get more eyeballs and possibly more conversions?How does pricing of the product or service being promoted in this whole setup affect the sales funnel performance?05. WordPress and Sales FunnelA lot of people with WordPress websites think they need something more sophisticated, glamorous like Clickfunnels, lead pages and so on to build funnels and WordPress is just WordPress. How do you burst that bubble?What are your preferred tools and plugins for building a sales funnel sequence on the WordPress platform?06. FOMO & Gamification in a Sales FunnelUsing countdown timers to create scarcity and inducing FOMO (fear of missing out), does this help in quicker conversions?Are there any other ways of adding gamification in a sales funnel routine for a better performance?07. Evaluating Sales Funnel performanceHow does one measure sales funnel performance in quantitative terms?Is A/B split testing important component in this process?08. Learning about Sales FunnelWhich resources, books, courses would you recommend a newbie wanting to learn about sales funnel from the very foundation level?What is the motivation behind your book launch “Single to Scale”?Mike Killen’s ToolBoxQuip(.com) regularly for documentation, processes, interaction with staff.For screen recording use Loom ( for quick process videos.Active campaign for CRM, email solution and automation hub.Love to use WP Engine for all web hosting needs.Prefer Beaver Builder for creating website layout designs.Use Oribi ( for traffic insights instead of Google Analytics.About Mike Killen

I use to work as a digital marketing lead for a global cyber security corporation.

Then set up my own business of building websites and transitioned into funnels. Then I started teaching others how to build and sell marketing funnels to clients.

I have worked with WP Elevation, AICPA, ELI, and others on building funnels and sales processes for their content and courses.

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