Ask yourself - by the time you retire, will you really have the health and energy to do all the fun things you dreamt about?? It's one thing to have the resources to retire comfortably but if you wait too long will you be physically fit and have the motivation to do the activities you also wanted to do? For some people, that might not be the case. If you are still in your 40's or 50's why not think about creating a lifestyle where you take mini-retirement vacations throughout your lifetime. Why wait until the tail-end of your life?
Most think Retirement means not having to go to work. If that is the case, we all got a taste of that during Covid. Did you stay active and on purpose? Probably not. I think to have a happy retirement you have to have a purpose and plenty of activities to do that are related to your purpose or goals. But as an alternative, take "mini-retirement vacations", maybe a month or so at a time when you are younger and plan to do some of the more adventurous trips or activities that you thought you wanted to do during retirement.
When we are racing, we are always trying to reach the maximum grip that our tires can give us. This typically means that we are modulating the gas pedal right on the edge of the car sliding or not sliding. For some this can be scary and for others this is where the fun begins.
As we get older, our risk tolerance definitely changes. Some of the adventurous things you have on your retirement bucket list you may not
do later in life because of the risks. Why not do those activities when you are younger on one of your mini-retirement vacations?
If Life Begins on the Edge of your Comfort then make sure you do not get too comfortable and miss out on a spectacular life!

Ask yourself - by the time you retire, will you really have the health and energy to do all the fun things you dreamt about?? It's one thing to have the resources to retire comfortably but if you wait too long will you be physically fit and have the motivation to do the activities you also wanted to do? For some people, that might not be the case. If you are still in your 40's or 50's why not think about creating a lifestyle where you take mini-retirement vacations throughout your lifetime. Why wait until the tail-end of your life?

Most think Retirement means not having to go to work. If that is the case, we all got a taste of that during Covid. Did you stay active and on purpose? Probably not. I think to have a happy retirement you have to have a purpose and plenty of activities to do that are related to your purpose or goals. But as an alternative, take "mini-retirement vacations", maybe a month or so at a time when you are younger and plan to do some of the more adventurous trips or activities that you thought you wanted to do during retirement.

When we are racing, we are always trying to reach the maximum grip that our tires can give us. This typically means that we are modulating the gas pedal right on the edge of the car sliding or not sliding. For some this can be scary and for others this is where the fun begins.

As we get older, our risk tolerance definitely changes. Some of the adventurous things you have on your retirement bucket list you may not

do later in life because of the risks. Why not do those activities when you are younger on one of your mini-retirement vacations?

If Life Begins on the Edge of your Comfort then make sure you do not get too comfortable and miss out on a spectacular life!