The Smart Habits for Translators podcast is 1 year old!

To celebrate our podcastiversary, we recorded another Ask Us Anything episode, answering questions that we received from our listeners and colleagues via social media.

Here’s a summary of our conversation:

• Our thoughts on the unwritten rule that translators should only translate into their native language and not into their second language

• What it's like being freelancers and moms during this very atypical time

• How we battle Zoom fatigue

• Whether we were nervous before our first episode and if the nerves have gone away, especially when we interview guests

• What translation specializations are in demand right now

• Whether we have any little quirks or weird habits we practice for good luck before starting on a specific work task

• How many hours a day we usually work (pre-pandemic) and how we organize our time between translation and administrative tasks

• The details of our giveaway to celebrate 1 year of Smart Habits for Translators: how you can enter and what we're giving away

Resources we mentioned in this episode:

• Our previous Ask Us Anything episode

• Episode 22: Smart Habits for Managing Social Anxiety and Perfectionism with Sadie Hall

• Sadie Hall’s podcast: Anxious Creators Unite!

• Jost Zetzsche’s website and his Twitter account, where he asked translators what market segments they've seen growing during the COVID-19 pandemic

• Nimdzi’s report on how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the interpreting market and what areas of business are booming

• Nimdzi’s assessment of the segments of the language services industry that have experienced a negative, positive, or neutral impact of the pandemic

For a full list of resources, visit the show notes page for this episode: