You might remember that we talked about smart habits for attending conferences last year, in Episode 3. We shared tips about the things you can do before, during, and after a conference to make it worth the investment of your time, your energy, and your money. In fact, this is our most popular episode since we launched the podcast last year, and we are so glad that our colleagues are still finding these tips useful. But, as so many things have moved online this year, we realized that we needed to share an update on this topic.

As we all know, most in-person events were cancelled this year. And here in the US, there are no signs of them resuming in the near future. However, many conferences have gone virtual, and we think that this new format will continue even when we are able to meet in person again.

We can all agree that online conferences are very different from in-person events. But there are good sides to this “new normal,” and there are different ways to make the best of this virtual learning and networking experience.

So, we thought that we should share some smart habits for attending online conferences.

We hope that you find this episode useful and that our tips will help you overcome any sense of overwhelm and hesitation about attending online conferences. We think that there is a positive side to many translation and interpreting events going virtual this year, and we hope that you will make the best of your virtual conference experiences.

Here is a summary of our conversation:

- What virtual conferences we attended in 2020 and what you, our listeners, shared with us on social media about how you feel about online events

- Why it’s important to budget for conferences, whether they take place online or in-person

- How to choose an online conference that is the right fit for you and your professional goals

- How to avoid decision fatigue when so many professional development and networking events have become more accessible and affordable

- Why you might want to review your objectives for attending an online conference

- Why having a conference “buddy” may help you bring your virtual conference experience closer to real life

- How to prepare for an online conference and make it as stress-free as possible

- What techniques you could try to stay focused and retain information

- What things we recommend doing after a virtual conference

- How to make time to watch conference sessions (live or recorded) and start implementing what you learned

Resources we mentioned in this episode:

Episode 3: Conference Habits

Where to find information about upcoming conferences and events in the translation and interpreting industry: ATA calendar of T&I events ITI calendar of events

Memory hacks for retaining information

The Savvy Writer's Guide to Productivity: How to Work Less, Finish Writing Your Story or Book, and Find the Success You Deserve by Bryan Collins

An Elderly Lady Is Up to No Good by Helene Tursten

Why is it so hard to sit and read a book these days? The science behind why it’s so hard to read a book right now Why it’s so hard to read a book right now, explained by a neuroscientist

Eve Bodeux’s Global Reads Book Club

On September 29th, we'll be sending our email subscribers a summary of today’s episode, including a free downloadable checklist for making the best of your online conference experience. If you’d like to receive it, please sign up for our emails below.

Our next episode will be released on October 6th. This will be a special episode to celebrate our first podcast-i-versary, and we will be answering questions that we’ve received from our listeners, so stay tuned for that!

If you want to hear about the topics of our episodes before they’re released, be sure to subscribe to our emails and follow us on social media!

For a full list of resources, visit the show notes page for this episode: