Bio and Contact information: Kathy Fasanella

Expertise in Resume Writer, LinkedIn Specialist, Life Coach, Mentor, Healthcare Executive Consultant, Owner of

Outside of, she's mentoring GWU Students by reviewing and revising their resumes as well as identifying career directions based on their skill sets. 

She set up a mentoring program for GWU Milken School of Public Health utilizing Smartsheet as a project management tool. She was able to work with the students to have 39 first-year students matched up with 57 alumni members who were seasoned executives in their field.


She the creator of affordable resumes, LinkedIn Profiles with coaching, mentoring services for students as well as Senior individuals reentering the job market after being laid off or re-engineered.

Formerly she was VP of Business Development and Insurance Compliance at Diopsys, I collaborated with the President and CEO of the company to file patents and conduct clinical trials that generated revenue of up to $60 million each year. 

She contributed to the commercialization of a breakthrough technology to screen for visual and hearing disorders in infants and preschool children. 

She additionally worked with New York legislators in Albany, NY to establish a vision-screening bill which authorized reimbursement

Key Contributions:
- Co-authored the business plan for Diopsys, Inc, named "Most Successful Startup Company" at the New Jersey New Venture Conference in 2001.

She can be reached for a complimentary consult on her services via  LinkedIn