John Rougeux Bio and Show Notes:

LinkedIn profile:

B2B Growth Podcast Co-Host  Category Design Strategist

Book Recommendations to get 1% better:

Never Split the Difference by Chris VossMarketing High Technology by William H.  Davidow

7 Category Design Business Strategy Criteria  & What CD is Not:

Category Design Isn't Necessarily Being First to MarketCategory Design Isn't Winning Awards on Gartner, G2Crowd, or ForresterCategory Design Isn't a Gimmicky Slogan or Advertising GTM campaignDon't Vilify Something that is Good at Another Context as Nemesis to base Category DesignThere Has to Be a Significant Business Pain Identified by your ICP or Buyer PersonasYou Should Be Able to Solve a Problem in Meaningful way Not Just Surface-based, but DeeperYou Need Buy-in from CEO/Founder C-level stakeholders To Launch a Category Design Business Strategy