One of the most important things we do as business leaders is communicate with our customers, clients, and readers. But sometimes we struggle with knowing how to do this effectively. You’re in for a treat today because my guest is going to show how to use the power of storytelling to communicate your message in a way that people already love.

If you’re like me, you have probably spent a lot of time during this quarantine watching movies and TV shows. Why is it that we can easily spend hours getting lost in those stories … yet we don’t usually look forward to communication from businesses? What is getting lost in translation?

My guest today has the answer. Her name is Amber Royer, and she’s a novelist and writing teacher. She’s the creator of the Chocoverse science fiction series, and in fact, the third book in the series, Fake Chocolate, comes out this month. 

In this conversation, Amber is going to teach us a few basic storytelling principles and how to use these for business. You’ll also learn why it’s important to read fiction as a business leader and how to get started writing fiction.

This is Amber’s second appearance on the podcast, and if you’d love to hear more about storytelling, check out her first appearance on Episode 92. You can connect with Amber via her website, Instagram, and YouTube.

You can find the full show notes here:

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