I am pumped to introduce you guys to my next special guest, Monica Fuentes!

Monica is the founder of Flow Self, a life and mindset coaching business that helps entrepreneurs align their businesses with their purpose. Monica has lived quite a life! Going from living in Costa Rica, the States, Italy, and Brazil, to marrying a “Dutchy” and moving to Amsterdam with a 1-month-old.

Monica shares how her concept of flow, being in alignment with your purpose and doing that thing, helps her clients reach higher levels of frequency within their lives and businesses. She even goes into detail about how she walks her clients through setting their quarterly goals by reverse engineering how they want to feel at the end. Don’t miss this! 

This episode is for any entrepreneur that wants to learn more about energetics and how you can see it cultivate the happiness, joy, and abundance that you want to see in your family, your business, and yourself. 

I am excited for you to hear Monica’s playful approach to setting goals, finding your alignment, and elevating your frequency to higher levels. 

If you have not already, connect with Monica on Instagram at: @monicafuentescoaching, and check out her website: https://www.monicafuentes.com/about  

Thanks for listening and please subscribe and share!