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Today is a jampacked talk with an awesome guest who is a performance psychology consultant, a founding member of the Leadership Resource Center, and the author of Elite Minds: How Winners Think Differently to Create a Competitive Edge and Maximize Success, Dr. Stan Beechan.

I initially ask Dr. Stan how he works with athletes and business people who want to be more competitive by improving their mental health. He carefully explains the main problem his clients encounter and what's his resolution in addressing each problem. And I gather from Dr. Stan the two things that people do when they have problems.

We touch on what he wants people to understand about fear and anxiety and why having courage as a skill is important and how it can lead to becoming a response to the things we're always afraid to face.

Dr. Stan also stresses what sports can do to someone's life to avoid being lonely and his suggestion to people who are becoming "unhappy".

There's more to learn from him so watch the full interview, and also get to know the scariest thing he plans to do this year.

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