I sit down today with an ultra marathon Clydesdale back-of-the-pack type runner, a coach, and a chicken farmer, Sherri Donohue. She's packed with interesting things to share about her journey as an endurance runner and coming to the point where she even considers herself a runner.

Out of curiosity, I initially ask Sherri about how she started raising chickens, and so she tells me why she treats them as "pets with benefits".

Sherri started running late but it doesn't stop her to see a lot of good things in running. So I ask her what makes her start running and why as a back-of-the-pack type runner.

She also shares her first DNF experience in a race, and the reason that made her not to continue it shows how much she listens to her body. Sherri stresses the need of looking at circumstances when you feel you can't finish the race.

Keep watching until the end and find out how she stays positive in the pain cave.

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