Small Soul Talk is a coaching channel created to help people redesign a meaningful life for themselves and rediscover their true purpose. The channel provides FREE podcasts and insightful information regarding personal transformation. I believe that everyone has a unique soul print and deep inner wisdom that knows what is truly important to them. But often, we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and forget to listen to our inner self. This free platform is designed to help you reconnect with your soul print and create a more fulfilling life. 

To learn more about 'Understanding Your Soul Self' and my uniquely crafted programs created to enhance and support you on your journey visit my website below.

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Small Soul Talk On: 11 Takeaways and Lessons From 2022


My 2022 Takeaways 


Don't Rush Growth and Nothing is Final  It will find you. You will get everything you wish for, sometimes not on your time. Be more of yourself. You can't be anything you want to be, but you can be everything you are. Balance is a lifestyle. Any living in the total opposites isn't going to be comfortable. You don't need to be “that one more thing” to be at peace or be happy. You can be it now. Express yourself because you can not change someone's mind. When we look back we can see evidence, clear evidence, of the universe conspiring to help us. Always in all ways. Enjoy people for who they are today.  Starting and finishing something is essential. But the process itself is where the beauty of life lies.  If you don’t know - don’t worry. Love because you can. Not because you will be loved back or will get anything in return.