The way we move is a tool for communication, how we embody our thoughts and emotions. Moving well is an art that takes time and involvement, requires learning and support. Our wellness can be profoundly affected by how well we move and yet practitioners who address movement are not adequately covered by our Medical System. So, perhaps we have conceptualized our medical system on the wrong premise. Instead of only healing us when we are sick, perhaps we should consider greater financial support for keeping us well.

BIO: Paul Cramer, Registered Massage Therapist and Movement Educator, Founder of Movement Spark. Paul has worked as a carpenter and cabinet maker's apprentice, an English as a Second Language teacher and curriculum developer. He pursued the study of Linguistics and obtained a BA (Spec. Honours) degree. He has previously worked in IT and its implementation in schools throughout the Northwest Territories. He lived and worked in Yellowknife, Inuvik as well as Whitehorse in Canada's far north. He currently lives in Edmonton, Alberta with his wife and two children.

Discover Paul @movementspark.
Find the Movement Spark Wellness Clinic right here.
Here's a link to Paul's Facebook Post we like to call "The Bicycle Mechanic".

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