Host Giulio Sciorio talks about the concept of carrying less to create more, removing barriers to creating and finding ones true self.

Carry Less, Create More

When it comes to gear, software or any potential tool interview the item like I would a potential employee. Ask myself three simple questions. If the item qualifies it's in. If it does not meet the requirements it's out.

Does this item make my life immediately easier in some way?
Without in-depth training, the item must add to my life in a positive way. It should not in any way cloud my mind, cause doubt or disrupt my daily rituals. Spending more than 30 minutes learning the basics of any particular item is simply not worth the disruption.

Will this item get in the way of creativity or will it help the creative process?
Creative tools should not get in the way of creativity rather they should stay in the background and allow the artist to focus on the process of being creative.

Will this item replace something or add to my kit?
Simply put, if the item does not replace something in my kit then it is not making my life immediately easier and it is getting in the way of creativity.