Mary Beth Koeth, transitioned her career from designer for Hallmark to successful photographer with full force. Mary Beth is representative of the new standard in photography: she's about the story (content) first and is not afraid doing what it takes to tell the full story.

Mary Beth Koeth, transitioned her career from designer for Hallmark to successful photographer with full force. Mary Beth is representative of the new standard in photography: she's about the story (content) first and is not afraid doing what it takes to tell the full story. In fact, for her project on Robert Raven Kraft, she made an hour length documentary and photography project of the South Beach legend to do his story justice. It only took her running hundreds of miles, three years of shooting and successfully raising $30,000 on Kickstarter to make it happen, but then again when it comes to photography, for Mary Beth Koeth "there's no other option."

This Week's Guest

Mary Beth Koeth

MB on Wonderful Machine

