The mission of Creator's Path and how it came to be.

When I started Small Camera Big Picture I was one of the first professionals to publicly declare that we were at a point where the cameras reached the level of “good enough”. I found great inspiration from a camera that while so small, the image quality satisfied the requirements for publication. Not only that but cover worthy quality. That meant that I no longer had to lug around large amounts of gear and could focus on creating art. To me this marked the tipping point where the camera finally became a paintbrush.

Small Camera Big Picture became a success almost immediately. I had some really talented people contributing to the site, a high level of readership and advertisers were started to reach out for partnerships. It was an exciting time to get the attention and to grow my photography business in a new area. More so, I got to connect with good people from all walks of life. Small Camera Big Picture was doing so well but then…I ended the project.

I was working so much on talking about new gear and software that my creative development slowed down to a halt…I found myself in a creative rut so deep I questioned weather or not I should continue as a professional photographer. As I began to look at my body of work all I saw was work that fulfilled the needs of the client. That was more their vision than mine. Who am I as a creator? I had lost my artistic identity.

Being able to identify that I had lost my creative voice, I began to notice that others were also not creating based on who they were. When we obsess with tech we run the risk of becoming technicians not artists. Some people will say they are happy just being technicians but I don’t believe that for a second. I think that’s hiding out.

We are a creation, it's inside all of us to create. We are designed to make something!

Read the Carry Less, Create More Manifesto

What is this show about?

Simply put Creators Path will help you become a better artist. This show is about learning to connect with our core values and beliefs, then create something based on that. If we are creating based on our true selves our work will have an authentic voice. When we’re operating as our true self what we create, will reflect this authenticity. Our creations, our art and our lives will benefit from understanding what our core values and beliefs are.

We’re going to be talking about some deep, creative work that will help you grow as an artist. We will discuss how to balance the tech with art so that the tech helps us grow rather than be a maze of mirrors, confusing us on our path to creative fulfillment. We will be talking with artists who create at a high level and learn from their knowledge and finally we will have the opportunity to meet in person.

Anything worth doing is not easy. There are no shortcuts to learning this stuff. It takes practice, commitment to your self-development and love..lots of love.

With an open mind this work can change your life and the lives around you. This process will challenge you but reward you for your efforts and the tools we be available to creators of all levels.

I am Giulio Sciorio and I’m hear to be your guide on this path.

Carry Less, Create More