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The JP Revolution

129 episodes - English - Latest episode: 4 months ago -

Small Businesses are the foundation of our communities. Those foundations are being shaken to their core by unfair systems that give all the advantages to the big corporations. Large companies have the time, resources, and expertise to take full advantage of all the modern marketing tools. On the other hand, small business owners lack those key elements and are overwhelmed by all the options available. It’s time for a revolution. It’s time for small businesses to be back on top in our neighborhoods. That will only happen if they understand how to use their limited resources efficiently. John Preston has the unique ability to take complex marketing and business concepts and break them into easily digestible stories.

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The Mission ofThe JP Revolution

January 17, 2024 21:01 - 6 minutes - 5.63 MB

"The Mission of the JP Revolution" podcast addresses the challenges small businesses face in marketing and advertising, overshadowed by more giant corporations' prowess. The episode delves into the evolution of advertising tools from newspapers to digital platforms, highlighting small business owners' struggles to keep up. It emphasizes the critical need for understanding the psychology and impact of marketing tools, not just their operational aspects. The podcast encourages listeners to joi...

Small Business in Small Bites merges with WakeUp2Success to form The JP Revolution

October 25, 2023 02:47 - 2 minutes - 1.85 MB

Small Business in Small Bites has helped small business owners all over the world better understand their customers.  WakeUp2Success has helped many of those same business owners deal with the internal stresses of running their businesses.  Now both are being combined into a new more complex podcast and platform called The JP Revolution.    The JP Revolution aims to give the power back to small businesses that are being overwhelmed by the marketing power of big corporations.  It's only thro...

Are you to comfortable? Success is seldom found in your comfort zone?

March 25, 2022 07:00 - 4 minutes - 3.69 MB

One of the biggest obstacles many of us face on our way to success is the simple fact that we like to stay in our comfort zone. It takes a lot of determination and willpower to take chances, risk rejection, and do the extra work needed to be successful. Many of us often fall short. Dreams were never earned inside of the comfort zone. You have to be willing to push yourself beyond those invisible boundaries. In this episode, we take a look at just how important it is for you to get comfor...

Understanding Google - It takes more than showing up in a search to grow your business

March 21, 2022 07:00 - 9 minutes - 7.25 MB

Do you understand your customers? One of the most important aspects of taking your business to the next level is having a good awareness of how your customers make decisions about whether or not to use your products or services. Unfortunately, many business owners mistakenly think they know what's going on inside the minds of their customers but have misread the situation entirely. So much about marketing and customer decision-making is counter-intuitive. What seems to be happening on the...

Sales Tip #7 - Don’t be afraid to be the ”Expert”

March 17, 2022 07:00 - 3 minutes - 3.1 MB

"Imposter Syndrome" is a real thing. Because we know our own weaknesses, it's very easy for us to look at others as knowing more than we do... even when it comes to our own product or service. We walk around convinced that someone is going to see behind the curtain and realize that we don't always know what we are talking about. It's almost always not true, of course. That's another way our inner voice works against us in our pursuit of success. The truth is that unless we are really bad a...

Sales Tip #6 - The ultimate goal of sales should always be to create a win-win deal.

March 16, 2022 07:00 - 4 minutes - 3.29 MB

Frequently the sales process is portrayed (and perceived) as a confrontational encounter. A mano-e-mano battle between the person with the goods or services versus the one with the money and the need. At least, that's the way many who aren't comfortable with the process like to see it in their mind. This image allows the would-be salesperson to assume a "noble" position when walking away from a possible transaction. "I am not one of THOSE salespeople," they will proudly proclaim when thei...

Sales Tip #5 - The 3 C’s of selling: Confidence, Conviction, and Confidence

March 15, 2022 07:00 - 5 minutes - 4.17 MB

Achieving the level of success that every entrepreneur-minded person dreams of always requires a mastery (or at least a proficiency) of sales. It is often a fear of sales or fear of coming off as a "salesperson" that derails many dreams. Once you convince yourself you are not good at selling; that voice inside your head will begin to shut down your biggest plans. In this episode, we continue our look at some simple tips that will help you become more confident in your ability to sell. Ir...

Sales Tip #4 - The customer doesn’t care about your product; they want to know how it helps them.

March 14, 2022 04:37 - 4 minutes - 4.06 MB

One of the biggest mistakes any salesperson makes is to spend way too much time talking about themselves and their products. No one likes to listen to someone talk about themselves. As hard as this is to hear, they don't care about your product or services. What they do care about is exactly how your product or services can help them. Everyone either has a problem they don't want, results they are not getting, or both. If you can aid them with either of those, you are worthy of their time, ...

Sales Tip #3 - The best way to handle objections is to Validate and then Conversate

March 11, 2022 06:47 - 5 minutes - 4.29 MB

Most news salespeople are terrified of coming across as "too pushy". They have visions of the old used car salesman in the plaid jackets seen in hundreds of movies and TV shows. To avoid being that person, they almost always err too far the other way. They become so passive that they never make it any further than the first objection. That would be okay if objections always meant "no". However, this is seldom the case. In most instances, an objection is a quest for more information and ...

Sales Tip #2 - First educate about your product, then make the customer comfortable with buying

March 10, 2022 08:00 - 5 minutes - 4.54 MB

Truly great salespeople have three distinct skill sets: the ability to educate, the ability to persuade, and the ability to make the client feel comfortable enough to buy. Often, the first two make up the easiest part of the sale. If your product/service is good and you are a confident salesperson, it's relatively easy to persuade a customer they need what you have to offer. However, the customer's personal insecurities often block the sale. They convince themselves that they aren't qual...

Sales Training Tip #1 - When you learn to understand the objections, you learn to sell.

March 09, 2022 08:00 - 7 minutes - 5.79 MB

In almost every episode of this podcast, we discuss the myriad of ways that you can get your head ready to take on each day. The one thing that works against us all in that regard is the fear and uncertainty that comes with the "sales" part of growing your business. Starting today we are going to have a series of daily sales tips. The more confident you are with selling, the easier it is to focus on other things. Today's lesson is all about understanding that just because a customer doesn...

Will Future You look back on today and be thankful for the efforts you made to drive your success?

March 08, 2022 08:00 - 4 minutes - 3.37 MB

When you remember the person you were twenty years ago, are you thankful for the decisions you made back then? Or do you wish you had worked a little harder, treated people a little nicer, and made smarter, more productive decisions? Would your life be better today if you had just focused a little more on building your foundation for success? Perhaps, if you had known then what you know now, you'd already be retired living the life of your dreams in some exotic location. Now let's flip th...

What can you do today to move you closer to your goals?

March 07, 2022 06:07 - 3 minutes - 2.81 MB

How many days go by where you get caught up in the day-to-day grind and fail to do even one thing that moves you closer to your goal? Each day that plays out that way pushes reaching your goals one day further away. Eventually, most people just give up because it never seems they are making any progress. In this episode, we focus on one simple fact... anything you do toward your goal, no matter how small, moves you closer. Accomplishing at least one goal-driven task each and every day w...

Are you an entrepreneur or just self-employed working in a dead end job?

March 04, 2022 05:33 - 9 minutes - 6.66 MB

One of the saddest things about the business world is how many potential entrepreneurs who are amazing at what they do watch their business fail because they don't know how to run a business or are afraid to take the risks needed to be successful. Comfortability and complacency can halt the growth of any business in its tracks. When this happens, the one-time dreamer can become just like every other 9-5 employee working for a paycheck. In this episode, we present three questions that wi...

The best way to prevent unexpected problems from derailing your success is to simply expect them.

March 03, 2022 05:22 - 5 minutes - 4.48 MB

Nothing can take the wind out of your sails faster than unexpected problems in your business. There's always some client that won't pay, a vehicle that breaks down at the worst possible time, or an employee who just up and quits. These headaches usually occur at the worst possible times. They make it very hard to stay positive and grateful. In today's episode, we take a look at the single most effective way to ensure that these setbacks don't disrupt your momentum and/or your mood. The ...

Time is your most valuable commodity. The truly successful cherish every second.

March 02, 2022 05:54 - 6 minutes - 5.66 MB

The average life span is about 75 years. When you take away the first 20 years when most of us didn't accomplish a whole lot, that leaves 55 years to accomplish everything we want to accomplish in life. That's roughly 3-million minutes. You take away the time we spend sleeping, it's a little less than 2-million. Seems like a lot until you start thinking about how many we waste each day doing things that don't move us any closer to our life's goals. In this episode, we take a look at some ...

Make your dreams so big they scare you; then share them with only those who can embrace them.

March 01, 2022 08:00 - 3 minutes - 3.07 MB

Success never lives within your comfort zone. When you are trying to achieve something great you have to be willing to do things that scare the heck out of you. You have to be able to make yourself takes chances that curl your insides. If you can't do that, your dreams will never get out f the starting block. In fact, that's how you know whether or not you're dreaming big enough. If your dreams don't scare you, dream bigger. In this episode, we take a look at how to know if your dreams ...

Celebrations create the habit of progress

February 28, 2022 06:01 - 3 minutes - 2.85 MB

Why are we so hard on ourselves? That's one trait we all naturally share. Given the choice between focusing on something positive we accomplished or something we failed to complete (or complete right), we will always focus on the failure. Research has shown that if given 100 tasks of which we finished 97, we will worry extensively about the three left undone. In our minds, we will declare the entire endeavor a negative experience. In this episode, we focus on the importance of shifting th...

Sometimes the time spent not working can be just as important to growing your business

February 25, 2022 08:00 - 3 minutes - 2.61 MB

When you are building a business, it can be so easy to get so caught up in doing the work that you forget to take any time for yourself. When you do take some r&r, you feel so guilty about it that you don't allow your brain to get the rest it needs to function at its best. If you are a parent, this guilt is ratcheted up a notch. You feel like you are forsaking your family if you spend any of the time you are not working by yourself. However, more and more research is indicating that alon...

Reaching your fullest potential while avoiding risks is simply not possible

February 24, 2022 08:00 - 7 minutes - 5.7 MB

One of the toughest challenges for an entrepreneur is trying to decide when to take risks. Unfortunately, there are very few stories in the annuls of business history that tells of great business leaders who drove their companies to massive success by playing it safe. Playing it safe is a perfect strategy if you are completely satisfied with the status quo and have no aspirations for the future. That doesn't exactly describe the temperament of the normal listener of this podcast. In this e...

Separating your business and personal finances from day one prepares you for the growth to come.

February 23, 2022 08:00 - 5 minutes - 4.35 MB

When you are first starting a business, you often need every dime of profit to keep the lights on at home. At that point, it doesn't always make sense to isolate your business accounts from your personal accounts. However, as your business grows it becomes absolutely essential to do so. As long as the ups and downs of your business are being felt in your household finances, it is nearly impossible to make the important decisions needed to grow your business. That new piece of equipment...

Setting your goals as specific as possible is the biggest key to achieving them

February 22, 2022 08:00 - 2 minutes - 2.17 MB

One of the most important things you can do when building your business (or when making changes to your personal life) is to set goals. Without knowing where you are going, it's nearly impossible to get there. Without goals, you simply can't put together a realistic plan for moving your business forward. However, goals can be very intimidating. What if you set a goal and don't achieve it? Many fear that will "prove" that all of the doubts they have had about their abilities are correct. ...

Does visualization make it easier to succeed or manifest your success? Who knows? Does it matter?

February 21, 2022 08:00 - 8 minutes - 6.18 MB

When you read many of the books on getting rich, they always talk about tapping into the great creative forces of the universe. They describe a way of life that puts you in the best position to communicate your dreams to this force. When you do that, they say, the universe will manifest your desires. My take has always been that when you get your mind in the right place (a place described in these books) that you are in a much better position to make the decisions and do the work required f...

Deep Work #5 - The value of true leisure time is often overlooked on the pathway to success.

February 18, 2022 08:00 - 7 minutes - 5.89 MB

When you are your own boss, there is always a lingering temptation just to shut down and take some time off. However, indulging in such temptations will certainly slow if not completely shut down your growth. When you just randomly take time off, the guilt of unfinished (or unstarted) tasks will often prevent you from relaxing and enjoying your sudden free time. However, when you are able to reach your maximum productive state through deep work all of that changes. In this episode, we tak...

Deep Work #4 - Avoiding distractions often requires you to train those who distract you.

February 17, 2022 08:00 - 9 minutes - 7.24 MB

To enter into a highly productive state of deep work, you have to master the ability to shut out distractions. Unfortunately, not all of the distractions you deal with are inanimate. Sometimes, it's people that vie for your attention. That's makes controlling your environment a little more difficult. Whether those human distractions are customers or well-meaning family members, it's important you find a way to carve out the time to focus on the important things you need to accomplish to mo...

Deep Work #3 - The best way to avoid distractions is to simply avoid being tempted.

February 17, 2022 03:32 - 7 minutes - 6.27 MB

We all live incredibly busy lives with dozens (if not hundreds) of potential distractions vying for our attention. Is it any wonder that entering into a state of deep work and incredible focus is nearly impossible as we pursue success? The phone is always ringing; notifications are always dinging, and the internet is always calling our name. Ironically, none of those things would happen if we turned off our phones, deactivated our notifications, and deleted those tempting bookmarks from our ...

Deep Work #2 - Embracing boredom might be the secret you’re looking for while pursuing your dreams.

February 15, 2022 08:00 - 6 minutes - 5.07 MB

How awesome is it to find your passion and decide to make a career out of it? Wouldn't it be really incredible if every step along the way to turning that passion into a booming lucrative business was packed with excitement and thrills? I hate being the one to burst your bubble about that, but the truth is that much of the path to building a successful business is boring... sometimes excruciatingly so. To make it, you have to grind it out. You have to power through that minutia to find the ...

Deep Work #1 - Busyness can be the death of your business

February 14, 2022 19:00 - 5 minutes - 3.93 MB

We leave in a world where we are constantly bombarded with people, entertainment options, and algorithms fighting for our attention. Unfortunately, when you are trying to grow a business these can become barriers to your success. You only have so much mental bandwidth, energy, and willpower, all of which can be stolen by these distractions. If you are overcome all of this to reach the level of success you desire, you must develop the skills to power through these distractions and focus on ...

Sometimes being a successful parent can come down to being a successful parent.

February 11, 2022 08:00 - 4 minutes - 3.78 MB

Trying to build a successful career or business while also being a good parent can be incredibly stressful. Walking that tightrope can fill a mom or a dad with incredible guilt. Time spent working creates guilt about being away from the family, while time with the family pulls you away from building your career. It's easy to feel that the old adage "you can't serve two masters" is dead on. However, work-life balance doesn't have to be an either/or situation. Often the guilt we feel is really ...

To be successful, focus your energy and mental bandwidth only on the things you can control.

February 10, 2022 08:00 - 4 minutes - 3.25 MB

Today's world of technology has created enormous opportunities for you to accomplish anything you want to in life. Ironically, it has created equally as many barriers to prevent you from achieving those things. Each of us has a very finite amount of energy and a limited amount of mental bandwidth. We are surrounded by negative influences that can rapidly drain both. The TV is filled with bad news from around the world; social media overflows with everyone screaming about how evil everyone ...

Use the 80/20 rule to fine tune your activity and maximize your growth

February 09, 2022 08:00 - 5 minutes - 4.56 MB

Have you ever felt like you are swimming upstream with your business or your sales career? Do you feel like the revenue you are generating is out of line with the amount of effort you are putting in? Or maybe you are noticing a diminishing return on new investments of your time and resources. If you are like most folks in the business world, you are susceptible to the Pareto Principle... or the 80/20 rule. It stays that in most organizations, eighty percent of your outcomes are generate...

Keep moving forward. The only way to fail is to quit.

February 08, 2022 06:32 - 5 minutes - 4.92 MB

If you take a moment to think about every outstanding achievement in the history of the world, you realize that none of them just happened. These all sprung from long strings of start and stops, numerous small successes and large failures, and near-constant struggles by the men and women credited with the achievement. The heroes that made those great things happen, whether it was space flight, the building of the pyramids, the creation of the polio vaccine, whatever, overcame both external ...

If you want to achieve your goal, go big! Big goals rewire your brain for success.

February 07, 2022 08:00 - 4 minutes - 3.21 MB

Real Estate Tycoon and Motivational Speaker Grant Cardone claims the reason most people fail to achieve their dreams is that they grossly underestimate the amount of work and the change of mindset that is required to be successful. His answer to this is simple. Set your goals ten times higher than you think is achievable, develop a game plan to hit that larger goal, then follow that strategy to the letter. He says if you do that, you'll blow away your old goals no matter what happens. In...

When working for yourself (especially at home), distractions can be the death of your dreams

February 04, 2022 08:00 - 5 minutes - 4.21 MB

When you first become an entrepreneur, one of the biggest challenges is learning to deal with freedom. When you have a boss "hovering" over you, it's easy to avoid many of the temptations and distractions that arise during the day. However, even the tiniest of distractions can pull you away from the work you know you should be doing when you are your boss. When working from home, this problem is exasperated. There are always chores that need doing, TV shows to get caught up on, and home proje...

Your desire for perfection could easily be procrastination and fear in disguise.

February 03, 2022 08:00 - 4 minutes - 3.85 MB

Do you consider yourself a perfectionist? On the surface that can appear to be a great strength when you are trying to build a business. It would seem that the attention to detail and minutia while driving to perfection would ensure success. Unfortunately, the opposite is often true. Since perfection is always unattainable, the quest for it can literally bring growth to a halt. In today's episode, we take a closer look at perfectionism. It turns out that true perfectionism is rare; it i...

Make your story a page-turner... not one that no one wants to read.

February 02, 2022 08:00 - 7 minutes - 5.71 MB

When biographers of the future write your story will they be dreaming of the movie rights or just praying someone, somewhere will read it? Each day we write another page in the tale of our lives. Great stories are filled with plot twists, struggles, losses, recoveries, perseverance, and ultimately triumph. Great stories never feature a perfect hero facing no adversity or one that quits at the first sign of trouble. No ballad has ever been sung about the man or woman who decided their dream...

Accomplishing trivial unrelated tasks can sometimes be just the thing for jump-starting your success

February 01, 2022 08:00 - 5 minutes - 4.2 MB

Sometimes very small tasks that seem completely unimportant can hamper our professional growth in ways we never imagine. So much of our ability to accomplish the things we want in life comes down to our energy levels, our internal strength, and our confidence. Unfortunately, it doesn't take much to throw those things into disarray and prevent us from doing the work we know we need to do. In this episode, we take a closer look at how "kicking the can down the road" with small seemingly trivi...

To get the most out of life, choose an attitude of abundance rather than scarcity.

January 31, 2022 08:00 - 6 minutes - 5.35 MB

One of the greatest temptations we face in life is to view the world from a position of scarcity. We want to believe that our options and the resources we crave are limited. This forces us to battle others for what we want and to hoard our assets rather than risk loss. The alternative, however, is to see through the world as an abundant place with plenty to go around for everyone. in this episode, we take a further look at the Science of Getting Rich and how it focuses on a simple princip...

Be thankful that gratitude has the power to give you a life you can be thankful for

January 28, 2022 08:00 - 8 minutes - 6.35 MB

One of the most powerful tools to change your life is gratitude. When you are thankful for the good things in your life and the wonderful opportunities that surround you, you don't get bogged down in the trivial concerns of the world. Gratitude is armor against the challenges in life. It's also one of the keys to the life you want. Successful (truly successful) people live lives of thankfulness knowing that's what propels them past the point where others quit. In this episode, we continue...

News Flash: It’s okay to want to be rich!

January 27, 2022 06:23 - 7 minutes - 5.77 MB

There are two subjects in the world that it's absolutely taboo to talk about out in the open: sex and money. Both are treated as dirty subjects; anyone who ever publically proclaims they want more of either faces ridicule and shame. Both are absolute necessities, yet carry such stigma. In this podcast about success, we are going to focus on the money side of this equation. Why is it that many people view the word "rich" as a "four-letter" word that should be avoided? Every business owner a...

Mindset for Success #7: You can actually grow into a growth mindset.

January 26, 2022 08:00 - 8 minutes - 7.29 MB

If you are going to have any chance of reaching the level of success you dream of you have to develop a growth mindset. The problem is that most of us are firmly entrenched in a fixed mindset. It's just ingrained into us to believe that we have limits based on the talents and circumstances to which we are born. In this episode, we wrap up our series on Carol Dweck's Mindset and the differences between having a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. One of the best things about knowing which ...

Mindset for Success #6: You don’t have to be stuck in a fixed mindset.

January 25, 2022 08:00 - 8 minutes - 7.47 MB

There's good news for all of you out there who now realize that you are stuck in a fixed mindset. We've spent the last several episodes breaking down just what it means to have a fixed mindset versus a growth mindset. One is conducive to success; the other is not. These mindsets derive from a book by psychologist Carol Dweck which breaks down the various traits associated with each. In this episode, we take a look at three simple techniques which will help you begin to crossover from fixed...

Mindset for Success #5: Hard work is just part of the journey to success.

January 25, 2022 04:40 - 6 minutes - 5.86 MB

Your perception of hard work is a direct indicator of whether or not you will be able to achieve your dreams. Over the last several episodes, we've delved into the two mindsets that determine your ability to succeed. Folks with a fixed mindset resent having to work hard to achieve success. They believe that the truly successful don't have to work because of their situations and skillsets. Growth mindset people know it's all about the work. In this episode, we take a deeper look at how fo...

Mindset for Success #4 - How you view the success of others is a clear indicator of your own capabilities.

January 21, 2022 08:00 - 6 minutes - 5.56 MB

Do you find yourself celebrating the success of those around you or do you resent it when someone else achieves a newer status or level of accomplishment? Those with fixed mindsets resent those who succeed. They tell themselves when someone else succeeds, that's it's because of the advantages that person had in life that gave him or her an edge. That absolves them from taking responsibility for their own failures. In this episode, we continue our look at Carol Dweck's book Mindset. In it...

Mindset for Success #3: Don’t quit! There’s no easier way to avoid success

January 19, 2022 08:00 - 10 minutes - 8.87 MB

When you start something, especially something you find important. do you always finish it or do you quit the moment it gets tough? Everyone can keep going as long as the path is smooth, quitting at the first sign of struggle is one of the surest signs of a fixed mindset. In this episode, we continue our discussion of the two kinds of mindsets that determine our ability to achieve success. One thing is for sure, quitting is the sure-fire way to make sure you never achieve success.

Mindset for Success #2: Success takes mistakes and lots of failures

January 18, 2022 08:00 - 9 minutes - 7.84 MB

From the time we are small kids many of us have it drilled into our heads that mistakes are bad and failure must be avoided at all costs. It's ironic when you think that when we are really small children, everything we learn comes from trial and error. Somehow, we are supposed to outgrow that. As adults, we are to avoid failure at all costs. At least, that's the way we believe if we suffer from a fixed mindset. In her book, Mindset, psychologist Carol Dweck separates us into two mindsets...

Mindset for Success #1 - Fixed Mindset versus Growth Mindset

January 17, 2022 08:00 - 10 minutes - 8.94 MB

Start a chain reaction that explodes into your success

January 14, 2022 07:00 - 4 minutes - 4.5 MB

Good habits performed consistently create momentum that leads you to where you want to go. Whenever we start a new productive habit (reading, writing, cold-calling, practicing, etc.) we know that we have taken the first step toward success. However, it's not always easy for that first step to become a second step, and then a third, and a fourth, etc. Lack of consistency prevents us from gaining any momentum. In this episode, we steal an old trick from one of my favorite comedians who used...

Work hard, get hardened, become hard to beat

January 13, 2022 09:17 - 4 minutes - 4 MB

Sometimes, the battles that take place in our minds and the thoughts we wrestle with just seem silly upon closer inspection. If we were to ever imply that an athlete could compete at their absolute best without ever practicing, we'd be laughed at and ridiculed (and rightfully so). Yet, we, as business owners and salespeople, NEVER practice and yet wonder why we don't achieve the level of success we want. Go figure! In today's episode, we turn once again to the advice of Herschel Walker. ...

Run the race against yourself and not the guy in the other lane.

January 12, 2022 08:00 - 3 minutes - 3.28 MB

One of the greatest temptations we have in life is to compare ourselves with other people. We see their success and imagine that they simply aren't facing the same challenges which hold us back. That's out fixed mindset at work. We like to imagine that it's our circumstances and talents (or lack thereof) that determine our ability to succeed. That is simply not true. It's our willingness to put in the hard work, the practice time, and mental fortitude required to achieve our goals. Unfo...