Show Notes

Sarah Left School in year 10 with no qualifications worked her way to well into the 40% tax bracket by the age of 24 and started her business aged 28. She’s passionate about helping women understand and confront their financial situation and empowering them to take steps to control it, protect it and grow it.

Sarah will share her own personally journey of how she turned around her negative debt crisis and an abusive relationship.


Also in the show

Hear the reason why Sarah left school early without a plan or a qualification (This has nothing to do with being academically poor).
Sarah lets the cat out of the bag about the first-hand knowledge gleaned as a PA to two Jewish directors sailing close to the Mortgage compliance wind.
Learn the one thing you need in place if your business is expanding at a rapid pace to save you from dropping the customer service ball and bursting at the seams.
Sarah dispenses some legal advice that anyone who owns a property jointly and going through a break up needs to understand as taking the wrong action could lead you into financial Armageddon.
Discover why niching her business attracts more clients, with more money without the need for big pushy sales pitches…
Discover her NO 1 source of perpetual leads, which you can copy and deploy immediately to have an never ending lead supply (and no it’s nor asking for referrals)
NB You may need more ink for notepad as this episode is jam packed with wisdom.

Success Quote

Calm seas don’t make skilful sailors
Don’t let perfection get in the way of a good idea
An entrepreneur jumps and builds wings on the way down

Recommend Resources

The Art of Being Brilliant: Transform Your Life by Doing What Works For You by Andy Cope (Author), Andy Whittaker  (Author)
The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea by Bob Burg and John David Mann
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T Kiyosaki
The Alchemist: A Fable About Following Your Dream by Paulo Coelho


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