Have you ever seen a niche in a market that you knew you could do better in? 

Or have you ever had an idea so strong that you were willing to quit an incredible job and put all your life savings into making this idea a reality?

Enter Jesse and Ty Hiss, the married couple and founders of Fresh Sends. An online floral company who is taking the market by storm. Based out of Denver, Colorado, Fresh Sends has quickly turned into an industry leader based around their model of social media marketing. Many in the floral industry believe that flowers are a dying breed as the millennial generation does not send as many as their elders. However, Jesse and Ty saw this as an opportunity. They know their target market and they are creating a product that fits that niche. Quick, Easy, and Affordable. They take the struggle out of the process and make buying flowers online, as easy as ever.

The couple knew that social media would be their main source of marketing. This episode breaks down the strategies that Ty and Jesse are using to target certain demographics through Facebook and Instagram, the building of a brand through social media, and how they believe the most effective way to market to the millennial generation is.

If you want to learn more about Fresh Sends or want to get in contact with Ty and Jesse to learn more about their product and strategy, follow the links below:  

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/freshsendsInstagram: @freshsendsEmail: [email protected]: https://www.pinterest.com/freshsends/Website: http://www.freshsends.com

Enjoy the show!